The Cost of Ningxia Red

The Cost of Ningxia Red
This was shared today by my friend, Marcia Miller. I love her perspective!

Recently a customer told me her budget was just too tight for Ningxia. Trust me. I get that. It was a huge leap of faith for me to try it myself.

I did an unofficial test two and half summers ago. I took one pouch faithfully for 30 days. WOW! It was a busy time with many commitments I stayed well and got all my tasks accomplished. When I had some down time I stopped taking the Ningxia because I wanted to know if it really helped me *I am stubborn like that*. 

I referred to what happened next as the great Ningxia crash of 2016. I remember laying on the couch thinking if this is how I feel without it I will find the money for it. It is a sacrifice but for me it is worth it. It is easier for me to stay well than get well.
For me it is worth less downtime and more productivity.

I did however research the cheapest way to purchase it (see graphic). Depending on your purchase method it will cost $2-3 a serving. 

However, it is important to remember that with that you get the antioxidant equivalent of...

200 oranges OR
• 1628 blueberries OR
• 44 carrots OR
• 20lbs of spinach OR
• 118 broccoli florets OR
• 146 strawberries OR
• 186 apples

Which would be way more expensive and difficult to consume than 2 oz of Ningxia!

Why not join our 30 Day Ningxia Red Challenge starting January 30th?  You'll be so glad you did!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Fun Uses for Your Empty Ningxia Red Bottles!

Fun Uses for Your Empty Ningxia Red Bottles!
Instead of simply tossing your Ningxia Red bottles into the recycling bin, here are some great uses for your empty bottles!

  • Use it as a decanter at your bedside.
  • Spray paint them and use for centerpieces at parties and events. Use gold or silver for a special, holiday touch!
  • Fill with YLEO infused bath salts and keep it beside your tub or gift to others. Add in lavender blossoms, paint the bottle white and tie with raffia for an extra touch!
  • Buy a glass cutter and turn them into drinking glasses. 
  • Put lights and / or colored raffia inside and use to decorate at parties and events.  (Use bottle lights from Target or wine cork lights (strings of lights with a cork looking end that has a switch and battery, so no cord) from Amazon.) They could even be used as luminaria or as "candle lights" on wider window sills.
  • Use it to refill your diffusers with water.
  • Reuse them for homemade wine, coquito, kombucha, or elderberry syrup.
  • In warmer months, they can be made into citronella torches. You can find a little kit at Lowe’s or Home Depot. 
  • Use them for homemade creamers and store in the frig.
  • Use them for "red drink" - 2oz ningxia, water, 3 drops lime, & 1 tsp sulfurzyme powder, fill the rest of the bottle with water. Store in the frig.
  • Use for vitality infused water or olive oil.
  • Paint and gift (see ideas below and check Pinterest for more!)

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Double Your Thieves Laundry Soap!

Double Your Thieves Laundry Soap!
Here's a great way to DOUBLE your Thieves laundry soap, shared by fellow oiler, Molly Bridges:

When you open a new bottle of the Thieves Laundry Soap, Molly suggests pouring 16 ounces (half) into an old laundry soap bottle or a glass mason jar will work too. Stick that back in the cabinet to save for a later day. Add three capfuls of the Thieves Household Cleaner. (Holy cow, the cleaning power!!!) Slowly add 16 ounces of purified water back into the bottle and tilt back and forth gently to mix.

 For HE washers you only need 1/4 a capful for each load. That’s 256 loads out from one bottle of Thieves Laundry Soap! 256 loads of clean, chemical free, non toxic laundry that smells ah-mazing!!!!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

December's WONDERFUL Promos!

December's WONDERFUL Promos!
"It's the most wonderful time of the year...!!!"

It may be cold out, but you can still gather with the ones you love to enjoy the warmth of the season. Focus on togetherness and the joy of the holidays with a bounty of holiday goodies in this month’s PV promo! 

With your qualifying order, you’ll receive a copy of the book “D. Gary Young: The World Leader in Essential Oils” and a 15 ml bottle of Frankincense essential oil. Fill your home with comforting scents so friends and family will stay near and dear this season—we’ll help by also sending you a 5 ml bottle of Gathering™ and a 5 ml bottle of White Angelica™ to enjoy.

Along with these beautiful, grounding scents, your qualifying order also includes a 5 ml bottle of Joy™ and a 15 ml bottle of Pine, two nurturing aromas that make everyone feel welcome. Round out your joyous moments with Lemongrass Vitality™: a light, bright flavor to bring warmth and comfort. 

Here are some reasons why we love each of these oils:

Lemongrass - bright and refreshing to diffuse, but also incredible for supporting your body's natural response to inflammation. This is always in my muscle rub / joint support creams and roller balls that I put together!

Pine - wonderful to diffuse all throughout the season, but did you know that it's also great for upper respiratory support, among other terrific uses?

Joy - Let's be honest. While this is supposed to be a season filled with Joy, sometimes it's not. Diffuse Joy or wear it like perfume.

White Angelica - Tracy Moore in The Mix explained this oil the best. 
"Take stock of your emotional life. Are you a person who is prone to negativity or fear? Anxiousness or sadness? Do your days feel a little bit like a roller coaster? Friend, you need White Angelica. STAT. White Angelica is a blend of ten single oils that are rockstars for emotional balance and support. The synergy of the oils gives them even greater impact than when they’re used separately. It’s an incredibly well-balanced blend chemically and this balance shows when used as an emotional support tool." Diffuse or wear topically.

Gathering - This oil helps bring people together on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level for greater focus and clarity. It helps one stay focused, grounded and clear in gathering motivation for self-improvement. Pretty amazing, huh? Diffuse or apply topically like perfume.

Frankincense - I always say there is a reason why this was given to Jesus at His birth. It's that valuable! Calming, supportive of the immune system, youthful skin, and brain health, plus so much's a treasure indeed!!! Diffuse or apply topically.

D. Gary Young book - If you've never read this book about our founder, who is also the founder of the Modern Essential Oils movement, you will love it!!!

400 PV 
Retail Value: $255.20
• 15 ml Frankincense
• D. Gary Young: The World Leader in Essential Oils book
• 5 ml Gathering
• 5 ml White Angelica
• 5 ml Joy
• Bonus Essential Rewards 15 ml Pine
• Bonus Essential Rewards 5 ml Lemongrass Vitality

300 PV
Retail Value: $130.91
• 5 ml Gathering
• 5 ml White Angelica
• 5 ml Joy
• Bonus Essential Rewards 15 ml Pine
• Bonus Essential Rewards 5 ml Lemongrass Vitality

250 PV 
Retail Value: $90.78
• 5 ml White Angelica
• 5 ml Joy
• Bonus Essential Rewards 15 ml Pine
• Bonus Essential Rewards 5 ml Lemongrass Vitality

190 PV
Retail Value: $52.95
• 5 ml Joy
• Bonus Essential Rewards 15 ml Pine
• Bonus Essential Rewards 5 ml Lemongrass Vitality

100 PV
Retail Value: $8.22
• Bonus Essential Rewards 5 ml Lemongrass Vitality

Who will be snatching up the free Frank??? OH MY WORD!!! AND White Angelica???? AND the D. Gary Young book??? I told you it was the most wonderful time of the year!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Young Living's Cyber Monday is HERE!!!

Young Living's Cyber Monday is HERE!!!
Young Living is delivering again with their Cyber Monday deals. Starting at 8:00 AM (MT) on Monday, November 26th, and going all day until 11:59 PM (MT), we get 20% off select Thieves, NingXia Red, and Savvy Minerals products - NingXia Red, NingXia Nitro, Thieves Cleaner, Thieves Laundry Soap, Savvy Eyeshadows, Lipsticks, Foundations, and more!!!

Oh, and on top of that, the first 65,000 members who place orders of 250 PV or more will get a FREE bottle of the 5-ml Red Shot blend! A perfect combination with NingXia Red, and a great stocking stuffer!

What could be more perfect for the season? You can stock up on Thieves products to keep cozy during the chilly months, refill your stash of mocktail-making NingXia Red products for holiday hosting, and treat yourself to a New Year’s Eve makeover that looks as professional as it feels with our luxe mineral makeup line!

This Cyber Monday promotion is available to U.S. members, retail customers, and NFR markets. There are no ordering limits - it's while supplies last, and the promotion applies to Quick Orders only. Jump online Monday at 8 a.m., MT  / 10  a.m. EST and enjoy the savings!!!

***Not a Young Living Preferred Member yet? We want you to get 20% off of wholesale pricing (which is 24% off retail pricing), so become a member today with the purchase of a Premium Starter Kit and add these Cyber Monday deals to your order! You can even qualify for additional free products at 190, 250, 300, and 400 PV! Get all the details on our blog!

*Due to high order volumes, expected order processing and/or shipping, including YL Go/YL Go+, may take longer than usual. Priority will be given to YL Go and YL Go+ members. Your order must be placed by phone or online.

Here's the breakdown of all of the amazing products that are 20% off on Cyber Monday!

Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste 4 oz
Item #: 3039D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $8.40 / Discounted PV: 8.40

Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Soap
Item #: 5762D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $20.40 / Discounted PV: 20.40 / 

Thieves Dental Floss
Item #: 4463122D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $2.60 / Discounted PV: 2.60

Thieves Dish Soap
Item #: 5350D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $11.20 / Discounted PV: 11.20

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Single
Item #: 3674D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $10.60 / Discounted PV: 10.60

Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Refill
Item #: 3594D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $31.60 / Discounted PV: 31.60

Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash
Item #: 3683D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $9.00 / Discounted PV: 9.00

Thieves Fruit & Veggie Soak
Item #: 5352D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $15.80 / Discounted PV: 15.80

Thieves Household Cleaner
Item #: 3743D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $18.00 / Discounted PV: 18.00

Thieves Laundry Soap
Item #: 5349D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $23.60 / Discounted PV: 23.60



NingXia Organic Dried Wolfberries
Item #: 6360D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $20.40 / Discounted PV: 16.40

NingXia Red 2-pack
Item #: 3042D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $58.40 / Discounted PV: 58.40

NingXia Red 4-pack 
Item #: 3044D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $104.60 / Discounted PV: 104.60

NingXia Red Singles 30-pack
Item #: 3525D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $69.60 / Discounted PV: 69.60

NingXia Nitro
Item #: 3064D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $31.80 / Discounted PV: 31.80


Savvy Minerals

Savvy Minerals Eyeshadow: 
Freedom - Item #: 20856D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $12.20 / Discounted PV: 12.20
Inspired - Item #: 21022D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $12.20 / Discounted PV: 12.20
Spoiled  - Item #: 20784D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $12.20 / Discounted PV: 12.20

Savvy Minerals Foundation:
Cool 1 - Item #: 20776D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Cool 2 - Item #: 20775D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Cool 3 - Item #: 20773D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Dark 1 - Item #: 20858D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Dark 2 - Item #: 20859D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Dark 3 - Item #: 20860D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Dark 4 - Item #: 20861D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Warm 1 - Item #: 20777D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Warm 2 - Item #: 20774D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20
Warm 3 - Item #: 20772D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $35.20 / Discounted PV: 35.20

Savvy Minerals Lipstick:
Adore - Item #: 21295D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $18.20 / Discounted PV: 18.20
Daydream  - Item #: 21292D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $18.20 / Discounted PV: 18.20
On a Whim - Item #: 21293D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $18.20 / Discounted PV: 18.20

Savvy Minerals Misting Spray - Item #: 21397D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $12.00 / Discounted PV: 12.00

Savvy Minerals Poppy Seed Lip Scrub - Item #: 23749D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $22.40 / Discounted PV: 22.40


DIY Kit - Item #: 21861D / Discounted Wholesale Price: $47.20 / Discounted PV: 47.20

This is such a great opportunity to ditch and switch from products filled with toxins to YL's all-natural Thieves line,  NingXia products are perfect for people looking to improve their health, and Savvy Minerals tucked into stockings will be a delight! Need a different kind of Christmas gift this year? YL has you covered and at a 20% savings! 

Be sure to PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY to get a free Red Shot and to ensure that the products you want are still in stock!

Happy Shopping!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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