May 2022: FORWARD
As I began to type the word “forward” God gave me for this month, it popped into my head how “May the Fourth Be with You” has become such a popular date for people to highlight. It’s a totally different reference, but . . . fourth . . . forth . . . forward . . . yep! Sounds about right! Isn’t it just like Jesus to use a pop culture reference to confirm a prophetic word?!
April was a month when the Lord encouraged us to “let go.” Some things were big, some little; some easy, some heartbreaking. I think it’s very fitting to have the word “forward” follow last month’s word.
What does it look like for you to move forward now that you’ve let go of the things the Lord asked you to let go of last month? We can’t stay stuck where we were – there must be forward movement.
Interestingly, this is also the Hebrew month, Iyar, which is known as a month of transition. I believe the Lord is transitioning people this month. As they position and align with Him and take steps forward, I believe many will only know the first step they’re to take, rather than see the full picture of the plan for what’s ahead. As that first step forward is taken, while it may feel risky, the next step will be revealed once you’ve said “yes” to taking that first step in faith. It’s an invitation to trust Him in the transition and it’s a time to make decisions you’ve been waiting on. Each step taken and decisions made are prophetic and tangible acts of moving forward into what the Lord has for you. I believe it’s very much connected with calling and destiny. What the Lord is moving you forward into is totally related to what you’ve been created and designed for since before the beginning of time. 

I heard “what was sown in tears will be reaped in joy.” It’s harvest time! (Psalm 126:5-6) The saying “April showers bring May flowers” has been spoken of by others and I couldn’t agree more. Some of those April showers flowed in the form of tears. The ground was watered with your tears and because you pressed in even harder into Him in those difficult places, rather than turning away from Him in anger, you have a beautiful harvest coming and you’re about to bloom.

God has also been continuing to speak to me about His light shining in and through us and how light dispels the darkness. Where light shines, darkness can’t be present. His glory is linked with light. Understanding and revelation are like light shining in areas of darkness where we’ve felt confused or lacked insight and knowledge. God has said to ask Him for wisdom, and He would give it to us (James 1:5). This is a month when God will pour out wisdom in the form of understanding and revelation, but He wants us to ask Him for it.

I believe this is an Isaiah 60 month – a month marked by His glory and His promises fulfilled, including long-awaited provision and healing. Don’t back down on this. You may have felt weary continuing to believe God for answered prayer in these areas but strengthen yourself in the Lord and stand firm on His promises! Do a study on Isaiah 60 and ask the Lord to give you wisdom, revelation, and understanding into it you’ve never had before. What is He personally speaking to you through it?
I hear Jesus resoundingly declaring over each of us, “The time has come! The time has come! The time has come!” This is the transition into our callings and destinies at a higher level than we’ve known before. We’ve allowed the refiner’s fire to consecrate and purify us. He’s made us ready over the last season. The time has come to see His covenant promises fulfilled and manifested in our lives. A friend said this to me recently and I believe it’s for all of us. . . . Remember your past prayers. Remember past prophetic words. Remember His promises to you. Bring each of them before Him and remind Him of those things. Contend for them. The time has come to see them come to pass!
Move FORWARD into all the Lord has for you! What is the first step He’s leading you to take? Listen . . . He’ll speak. Watch . . . He’ll give you direction. 

“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, TPT)
Want company on the journey ahead? Join us for our upcoming 6-week course! Need details? Reach out to us!

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

May's Motivation Is Here With GREAT Gifts with Purchase!

Spring is so motivating to me! The idea of fresh starts, new goals, big dreams, and all of them growing as this season unfolds . . . I love it! These promos are perfect for all of us, no matter what season in life we're in - for our goals, our family, anything we're going to do. These will help us flourish during this season! Let me fill you in . . . .
Here's the full breakdown of the US May 2021 Gift With Purchase:
100 PV
Free Shipping
190 PV
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
250 PV
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
300 PV
Highest Potential 5-ml
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
400 PV
Motivation 5-ml*
Highest Potential 5-ml
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
*Remember, in order to get the Rewards Exclusive Envision 5-ml and Motivation 5-ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential (Loyalty) Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting all these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!
Motivation 5-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 400 PV tier)
We all need a little help getting or staying motivated and this blend is the kick in the metaphorical pants we need to get moving and get to the business of hitting our goals. Floral and woodsy, this is a grounding, centering, get you ready to tackle everything in your way blend. For a bit more mood control and uplifting, bright scent, pair it with Orange in the diffuser! My go-to "work blend" is pairing Motivation with Clarity. I can conquer the world with that duo in the diffuser!
Here's the full breakdown of the US May 2021 Gift With Purchase:
100 PV
Free Shipping
190 PV
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
250 PV
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
300 PV
Highest Potential 5-ml
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
400 PV
Motivation 5-ml*
Highest Potential 5-ml
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping
*Remember, in order to get the Rewards Exclusive Envision 5-ml and Motivation 5-ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential (Loyalty) Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting all these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!
Motivation 5-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 400 PV tier)
We all need a little help getting or staying motivated and this blend is the kick in the metaphorical pants we need to get moving and get to the business of hitting our goals. Floral and woodsy, this is a grounding, centering, get you ready to tackle everything in your way blend. For a bit more mood control and uplifting, bright scent, pair it with Orange in the diffuser! My go-to "work blend" is pairing Motivation with Clarity. I can conquer the world with that duo in the diffuser!
NOTE: This is a special, Essential Rewards EXCLUSIVE oil! So, stock up on your monthly items - get some NingXia, Thieves, supplements, and all the things you love. When you do, you'll get this free bottle of liquid gold motivation with your order!
• Climb every mountain. Whether your bucket list has metaphorical mountains or real ones, dab a drop of Motivation behind your ears at the start of any endeavor, big or small.
• Take note. Keep track of when you procrastinate—in the afternoon, as the weekend draws near, when you’re intimidated by a task—and diffuse this sidekick scent while you cross off your next steps.
Highest Potential 5-ml (300 PV tier)
You're going to see how all of these oils in May's Gift WithPurchase work so well together, you'll wonder why you haven't had each of them in your oil routine already! Highest Potential will help you break through a lot of the barriers in your mind that are holding you back from what you can really do and be. This is inspiration to the max!
• Soar to new heights. No matter where you dare to dream, take Highest Potential with you. Add an AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment so you can swipe it on whenever you need inspiration.
• Keep on keepin’ on. Infuse your daily body moisturizer with the floral scent of Highest Potential as you continue to reach for the stars.
Valor 5-ml (250 PV tier) - In my opinion...this is the world's BEST oil!!!
Chasing your goals takes courage, and if there's one blend we know helps with that, it's Valor. Courage in a bottle. It calms the mind and body, encourages the soul, and simultaneously centers and uplifts you to the point where you know you can do what you need to do. Courage. Confidence. You'll be ready to take life by storm!
• Put the “you” in unique. As you’re crafting your personal brand, wear fresh, woodsy Valor as a personal cologne or perfume to remind yourself of how capable you are.
• Keep up your courage. At the end of a long day of giving your all, add Valor to Young Living’s Bath and Shower Gel Base as you brainstorm new ideas for tomorrow.
Acceptance 5-ml (190 PV tier)
When we accept all aspects of life - that things happen that are out of our control or not always exactly ideal, it's much easier to not get stuck. Acceptance helps you accept the things you cannot change and be ready to make your plan to keep moving forward.
• Take the highs with the lows. Add a drop of this blend to a washcloth, place it right outside the stream of water as you shower, and let this inviting aroma inspire feelings of acceptance.
• Work hard, play hard. Work isn’t everything. Diffuse the bouquet-like scent of Acceptance, then take a break and rush outside to enjoy the sunlight.
Envision 5-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 190 PV tier)
This is the one you'll want to start with. When you're making your plan and you're working out all the details. Diffuse Envision and see all of the incredible possibilities in front of you! Everything you want and need is there waiting for you. Clear your mind and envision the future YOU want to have!
• Make scents of your to-dos. Write out each task required to accomplish your goals. Place a drop of Envision at the top of the page to breathe in every time you review your next steps.
• Dream big. Add Envision to a cotton ball and place it in your car vent so any time you inhale this scent, you’ll visualize your dreams coming true.
Free Shipping (100 PV tier)
Free is always a good price to go with goal planning and world domination. It never hurts to save a little money!
• Ship, ship, hooray! Reach our 100 PV tier and we’ll ship your order for free.
• Dream project step one: Get Young Living products shipped. Oh wait, we’ve got you covered— for free!
What's one goal you know you need to make a plan for and which of these oils are you most excited to use to help you get there?
• Take note. Keep track of when you procrastinate—in the afternoon, as the weekend draws near, when you’re intimidated by a task—and diffuse this sidekick scent while you cross off your next steps.
Highest Potential 5-ml (300 PV tier)
You're going to see how all of these oils in May's Gift WithPurchase work so well together, you'll wonder why you haven't had each of them in your oil routine already! Highest Potential will help you break through a lot of the barriers in your mind that are holding you back from what you can really do and be. This is inspiration to the max!
• Soar to new heights. No matter where you dare to dream, take Highest Potential with you. Add an AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment so you can swipe it on whenever you need inspiration.
• Keep on keepin’ on. Infuse your daily body moisturizer with the floral scent of Highest Potential as you continue to reach for the stars.
Valor 5-ml (250 PV tier) - In my opinion...this is the world's BEST oil!!!
Chasing your goals takes courage, and if there's one blend we know helps with that, it's Valor. Courage in a bottle. It calms the mind and body, encourages the soul, and simultaneously centers and uplifts you to the point where you know you can do what you need to do. Courage. Confidence. You'll be ready to take life by storm!
• Put the “you” in unique. As you’re crafting your personal brand, wear fresh, woodsy Valor as a personal cologne or perfume to remind yourself of how capable you are.
• Keep up your courage. At the end of a long day of giving your all, add Valor to Young Living’s Bath and Shower Gel Base as you brainstorm new ideas for tomorrow.
Acceptance 5-ml (190 PV tier)
When we accept all aspects of life - that things happen that are out of our control or not always exactly ideal, it's much easier to not get stuck. Acceptance helps you accept the things you cannot change and be ready to make your plan to keep moving forward.
• Take the highs with the lows. Add a drop of this blend to a washcloth, place it right outside the stream of water as you shower, and let this inviting aroma inspire feelings of acceptance.
• Work hard, play hard. Work isn’t everything. Diffuse the bouquet-like scent of Acceptance, then take a break and rush outside to enjoy the sunlight.
Envision 5-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 190 PV tier)
This is the one you'll want to start with. When you're making your plan and you're working out all the details. Diffuse Envision and see all of the incredible possibilities in front of you! Everything you want and need is there waiting for you. Clear your mind and envision the future YOU want to have!
• Make scents of your to-dos. Write out each task required to accomplish your goals. Place a drop of Envision at the top of the page to breathe in every time you review your next steps.
• Dream big. Add Envision to a cotton ball and place it in your car vent so any time you inhale this scent, you’ll visualize your dreams coming true.
Free Shipping (100 PV tier)
Free is always a good price to go with goal planning and world domination. It never hurts to save a little money!
• Ship, ship, hooray! Reach our 100 PV tier and we’ll ship your order for free.
• Dream project step one: Get Young Living products shipped. Oh wait, we’ve got you covered— for free!
What's one goal you know you need to make a plan for and which of these oils are you most excited to use to help you get there?
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same