Super Bowl Sunday is February 3!
Whether you're hosting a party of 1 or 30, these recipes will be a HUGE hit and they'll do your body GOOD!
Oils used in these recipes include:
Lime Vitality
Black Pepper Vitality
Cinnamon Vitality
Coriander Vitality
Oregano Vitality
Black Pepper Vitality
Cinnamon Vitality
Coriander Vitality
Oregano Vitality
Each of these oils are great for adding awesome flavor to your favorite recipes.
Bonus? They also support emotional health and overall wellness.
Thank you to Laura Culbertson for these delicious recipes and to Suzi Hersey for sharing them!
The shopping list and recipes can be found below!

And....NO Superbowl Party would be complete without guacamole! Take it to the next level by adding Lime Vitality oil! (You can also add in 1-2 drops of Citrus Fresh if you'd like!)

Last, but not least...

May your favorite team win!
(Win or lose, you can apply copious amounts of Joy and Gratitude!)
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Don't mind me doing my little happy dance over here! Feel free to join me!
- Already a member? This is your time to grab another diffuser (Because we all need another diffuser in our lives!) and restock your oils in the process. Maybe you need one for the office or your college kid or just another room in the house!
- It's also the perfect time to sign up your spouse with his or her own kit! When you do, YL will send you a thank you check! That's like getting additional money off on an already incredible value (even without the discount!)
- Not a YL Preferred Member yet??? How long have you been waiting??? NOW is your time!!! You can get started at 10% off using this link!
- Share with your friends and family (#itswhatwedo) and you'll get a thank you check for each person who gets their own starter kit! All you need to do is give them your member number when they sign up!
Local friends, I'm holding 3 classes next week, any of which will help you have a solid foundation for making the most out of each of your new oils! Grab your kit now at a discount, then come to one of the classes so you're ready when your kit arrives! (All of the class information is on the events page!)
Here are ALL of the details that you'll want to know!

For a limited time, members can receive 10% off the cost of our Premium Starter Kit (PSK) with a Desert Mist Diffuser (English and Spanish versions)!
Along with this beautiful diffuser, the Premium Starter Kit includes “TEN” 5 ml bottles of premium essential oils, plus a 5 ml bottle of Stress Away, an AromaGlide roller fitment, and samples of Thieves Household Cleaner and NingXia Red.
This offer starts today, Friday, January 11, at 8 a.m., MT, and runs through Monday, January 14, at 11:59 p.m., MT, and is Quick Order only, while supplies last.
Limit one PSK with Desert Mist Diffuser per existing member or new enrollee.
PSK with Desert Mist Diffuser (English)
Item No.: SKU 22397
Size: N/A
Wholesale Value: $160
Promotion Price: $144
PV: 90
PSK with Desert Mist Diffuser (Spanish)
Item No.: SKU 22442
Size: N/A
Wholesale Value: $160
Promotion Price: $144
PV: 90
Item No.: SKU 22397
Size: N/A
Wholesale Value: $160
Promotion Price: $144
PV: 90
PSK with Desert Mist Diffuser (Spanish)
Item No.: SKU 22442
Size: N/A
Wholesale Value: $160
Promotion Price: $144
PV: 90
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

It's a new year, which means new goals, new chances, and new opportunities to start fresh and make your life the best it can be! Many people's goals in the new year are related to getting healthy, feeling better, and looking better, and January's promos help tackle all three of those areas! For instance, DiGize Vitality and Life 9 can be a big help to rebooting your digestive system and promoting proper digestion. Scroll down to learn more about each of the great products in this month's promo!

5ml Digize Vitality
190 PV:
190 PV:
30 CT Life 9
ER Exclusives: 5ml DiGize & 15 ml Citrus Fresh
250 PV
15ml Longevity
30 Ct Life 9
ER Exclusives: 5ml DiGize & 15 ml Citrus Fresh
300 PV
ER Exclusives: 5ml DiGize & 15 ml Citrus Fresh
300 PV
15ml Longevity
Life 9
5ml Panaway
ER Exclusives: 5ml DiGize & 15 ml Citrus Fresh
Here are a few great ways you can put each of these to good use:
Digize Vitality 5 ml (ER Exclusive):
ER Exclusives: 5ml DiGize & 15 ml Citrus Fresh
Here are a few great ways you can put each of these to good use:
Digize Vitality 5 ml (ER Exclusive):
This oil is INCREDIBLE for supporting healthy digestion! Some love this oil directly dropped under their tongue or massage DiGize under the navel on the stomach, but being completely honest...the smell of this oil isn't one of our favorites, so we like to take DiGize Vitality in a capsule. We often combine 2-4 drops each of DiGize, Peppermint and Lemon Vitality Oils with a bit of carrier oil, such as olive oil. It's the best digestive system support ever! Did you know many of Young Living's farms actually use DiGize on the soil to encourage good bacterial balance in our farms' dirt!? How cool is that?!
Citrus Fresh 15 ml (ER Exclusive):
Citrus Fresh 15 ml (ER Exclusive):
This oil is a blend of five of our citrus oils, along with spearmint, so there's a subtle minty aroma with the citrus scents and it’s totally uplifting . It’s a happy oil, so it's perfect to diffuse this blend to lift your spirits on a short, winter day. I like to add a drop or two of Joy and really have my spirits soar! Diffusing Citrus Fresh also helps to support function of the creative thinking part of your brain. Try combining it with Clarity when you're working or the kids are studying. Did you know that Citrus Fresh can help smooth skin and keep it looking radiant and healthy? Add Citrus Fresh into your nighttime skincare routine. It's important that it's at night, because the citrus oils in it are photosensitive, so you don't want skin that you've applied it to exposed to sunlight afterward. You'll love how it supports youthful looking skin!
Life 9 Probiotic:
Life 9 Probiotic:
My guess is that you've heard that probiotics are super beneficial to digestive health. Life 9 has specially designed special delayed-release capsules to help release its contents and get them to the far end of the small intestine & into the large intestine, ensuring that your good bacteria supplementation gets where it needs to go and isn't wasted. Research shows that most north Americans are chronically deficient in probiotics that play key roles in prevention of preventable illness & disease from birth to old age. Making these a key part of your daily wellness regimen should be a no brainer!
Longevity 15 ml:
Longevity 15 ml:
Longevity essential oil blend is the same blend that's in Longevity capsules and is also available in Vitality, and it combines Frankincense, Thyme, Orange, and Clove oils that are all great for overall wellness, but did you know that you can add a drop to some carrier oil or one of your nighttime moisturizers to help with healthy looking skin? Keep in mind, Thyme is a hot oil, so you'll want to make sure you use it sparingly and with a good amount of carrier oil or only a drop in your moisturizer. Plus, with Orange in it, you'll want to use it at night as well. And if you have that same blend in Vitality, you can make your own Longevity capsules while they're out of stock in order to get all the great health benefits!
Panaway 5ml:
Panaway 5ml:
PanAway is the perfect gym partner to help ease and soothe those tired and aching muscles after you work out or do any kind of physical activity. Make it part of a post workout massage or use it just on the areas that need it. Whatever you do, you're going to want to have a bottle or three on hand as you work on your fitness goals!
*Remember, in order to get the Essential Rewards Exclusive DiGize Vitality 5-ml and the Essential Rewards Exclusive Citrus Fresh 15-ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!
So, whether you're starting new goals or keeping up the momentum from 2018, the January promos can help you start 2019 right!!!
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need help placing your order or signing up for Essential Rewards.
Happy Oiling!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

We didn't want you to miss out on this fantastic announcement!!! When we say, "RUN! Don't walk!" we totally mean it with this exclusive release! There are more details on each oil below, but here's an insider's tip...
Those big bottles of RC and Purification - yah....they AREN'T limited to one each!!! Go ahead and add them to your cart, then when you go into the cart itself, you can edit it to make it more than one!!! :)
Here are a couple other veteran thoughts...that Evergreen Essence??? In the 5 years I've been a member, I've never gotten it! It's only been available twice! Don't miss out on this amazing oil! RutaVaLa is a HUGE member favorite for restful sleep that has been out of stock for quite some time prior to it becoming available in the roll-on collection and that Freedom blend? It sold out SO quickly when it was released at Convention this year! Red Shot is only available at this time of year, so grab enough bottles to last you for months!
DO NOT WAIT on any of these!!! They're only WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!!!

Here are the details on each of these amazing oils:
🌲Evergreen Essence, 15 ml
One of our seasonal favorite blends, Evergreen Essence, has been missing from our product offering until it could meet all the requirements for global sustainability. ...AND IT HASSSSS! But, there's a limited amount and it is while supplies last. SNATCH THIS UP QUICK AND BUY A FEW BOTTLES. It’s a blend of a Spruce, pine, fir, and cedar. And it’s the most delicious smelling oil for the winter and holidays!!
• Item No. 3353
• Wholesale $26.50
• PV 26.50
• Wholesale $26.50
• PV 26.50
❤️R.C. 15ml
Have you ever had such an emotional reaction to something, your chest felt tight. Like something hurt your soul so badly, you couldn't breathe? Yes, me too. Our physical reactions stem from our emotions.
Have you ever had such an emotional reaction to something, your chest felt tight. Like something hurt your soul so badly, you couldn't breathe? Yes, me too. Our physical reactions stem from our emotions.
RC has such an uplifting smell. And oh my GOSH, do I LOVE TO BREATHE. Don’t you? I love breathing. That's been particularly important to me over the last couple of weeks following exposure to some highly fragranced chemicals that my lungs did NOT appreciate. A drop of RC on the chest before a workout in the spring when everything is covered with yellow dust is also really nice. Add it to your Lemon/Lavender/Peppermint springtime roller too! It’s a must have!
• Item No. 3405
• Wholesale $23.25
• PV 23.25
❤️Purification, 15 ml
Purification....Oh my word.... This stuff is amazing! I call it YL's unsung hero for it's rang of uses!
Purification....Oh my word.... This stuff is amazing! I call it YL's unsung hero for it's rang of uses!
Here's how I've been using it over the years...👇👇
- Add a few drops to the washing machine with smelly laundry. Stank be gone!✌️
- Add a few drops of Purification + Thieves oil to baking soda and you've got your own chemical-free carpet sprinkles.
- Rub some around your ear, but DO NOT put the oil in your ear. It's great for supporting overall health and the immune system, which is why I also apply it to the outside of my throat when extra comfort is needed.
- When traveling, I ALWAYS put some on a cotton ball and clean the air vents above my head. I like CLEAN air blowing on me!
- Put a few drops on a cotton ball. Put it under your trash bag to keep the smells at bay. Or, put the cotton balls with oils into stinky shoes and it seriously gets the funk out. (Or smelly diaper pails!)
• Item No. 3399
• Wholesale $27.00
• PV 27.00
• Wholesale $27.00
• PV 27.00
🌲Red Shot 5 ml
Red Shot was formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, Red Shot essential oil blend was Gary’s way to bring the spirit of Club Red to members around the world. When we think of Red Shot, we remember Gary behind the bar at Club Red serving NingXia Red with the excitement and warmth he put into everything he did. What’s a Red Shot, you ask? It’s tangerine, mandarin, lime, grapefruit, cassia, and spearmint and it’s a party in my mouth 🤣 Makes your Ningxia even more delish AND pumps your body full of immune supporting-goodness and d-limonene. (You want it. Google it 👊🏻👊🏻) Oh, and you can’t buy it individually. Like, ever. The only time you can get it is when it’s part of a holiday special OR if you go to Convention and know to ask for it at the Red Shot Bar 😉😉 So it’s elusive and delicious and we absolutely LOVE IT. SNAG IT! ;)
• Item No. 5434
• Wholesale $13.50
• PV 13.50
*Red Shot essential oil blend cannot be shipped to APO/DPO/FPO mailing addresses.
• Wholesale $13.50
• PV 13.50
*Red Shot essential oil blend cannot be shipped to APO/DPO/FPO mailing addresses.
💫Freedom, 5 ml
- Calms the mind during your nightly routine
- Promotes feelings of emotional freedom
- Inspires feelings of freedom from everyday troubles
- Grounding and relaxing
- Helps with occasional sleeplessness or restlessness
- Calms the mind during your nightly routine
- Promotes feelings of emotional freedom
- Inspires feelings of freedom from everyday troubles
- Grounding and relaxing
- Helps with occasional sleeplessness or restlessness
• Item No. 24303
• Wholesale $28.00
• PV 28.00
• Wholesale $28.00
• PV 28.00
💤RutaVaLa Roll-On, 10 ml
Who likes sweet sleep??? YOU??? Oh....this oil is SO incredibly relaxing!!! Ruta, VALERIAN, and Lavender in a super convenient roll-on! Keep it in your bag when you need to chill and use it before bedtime, clearly, because these oils make you sleeeepy. Basically THE sleep oil of alllll the sleepy oils.
Who likes sweet sleep??? YOU??? Oh....this oil is SO incredibly relaxing!!! Ruta, VALERIAN, and Lavender in a super convenient roll-on! Keep it in your bag when you need to chill and use it before bedtime, clearly, because these oils make you sleeeepy. Basically THE sleep oil of alllll the sleepy oils.
• Item No. 4471
• Wholesale $36.75
• PV 36.75
• Wholesale $36.75
• PV 36.75
Final Details:
- When: Available December 26 at 8 a.m., MT, through December 31 at 11:59 p.m., MT, while supplies last
- Markets: U.S. and NFR
- Limits: No limits, while supplies last
- Quick Order Only - not ER point redemption eligible

If you were gifted cash for Christmas, someone who loves you wants you to get something you KNOW you'll love. OILS are the perfect way to INVEST IN YOU and you can do it with these exclusive releases and others you've had on your wish list!
Have you been waiting for just the right time to get your Premium Starter Kit? NOW is the best time to invest in YOU! You're worth it! Click HERE to get started today! We can't wait to help you make the most out of every single bottle and support you in reaching your personal health and wellness goals in 2019! Let us know if you have questions as you order!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Day 1: To Grandmother’s House
“Over the river and through the woods” to diffusing bliss you go! This essential oil blend smells like a frost-covered pine forest. Mittens and down coats are optional.
“Over the river and through the woods” to diffusing bliss you go! This essential oil blend smells like a frost-covered pine forest. Mittens and down coats are optional.

Day 2: Dasher and Dancer
If a sleigh ride with Santa is on your bucket list, you’ll love this seasonal diffuser recipe. The smells of citrus, tea tree, and spruce with a dash of peppermint will have you feeling like Kris Kringle’s co-pilot on Christmas Eve.
If a sleigh ride with Santa is on your bucket list, you’ll love this seasonal diffuser recipe. The smells of citrus, tea tree, and spruce with a dash of peppermint will have you feeling like Kris Kringle’s co-pilot on Christmas Eve.

Day 3: O, Tannenbaum
While decorating your tree can take hours, filling your home with that fresh evergreen scent takes mere seconds. Try this blend for that amazing Christmas tree scent without all the work!

You don’t have to live where it snows to feel like you’re walking in a winter wonderland. A Christmas essential oil diffuser recipe like this one will have you and your loved ones dreaming by the fire in no time!

Day 5: Candy Canes and Silver Lanes
It wouldn’t be Christmas without the classic candy cane! We love its festive red and white stripes that burst with delightful peppermint flavor. Try this diffuser blend for a calorie-free way to enjoy the nostalgia of this favorite holiday candy!

This delicious essential oil diffuser blend brings the comforting scent of holiday goodies to the air! Sweet citruses and warm spices will make your home smell like your favorite bakery; whether you decide to actually bake is entirely up to you.

There’s nothing like the Christmas joy in a child’s letter to Santa. Bring that happiness into your home with a diffuser blend that combines the brightness of citrus, the fresh scent of a forest, and a warm floral aroma to keep things cozy.

You’ll be shouting out with glee once you try this diffuser blend! Diffuse this blend of Christmas essential oils, and you might become as famous as the red-nosed reindeer himself!

Haul out the holly—because we need a little Christmas! As you deck your halls, don’t forget to deck your home with the scents of the holiday season!

Day 10: The Gingerbread Man
That gingerbread man is mighty quick! And while you may not be able to catch the cookie, you can catch that fantastic gingerbread scent with this holiday spice-filled diffuser recipe.

Let those sugarplums keep dancing as you diffuse this sweet-smelling holiday essential oil blend. We promise we won’t judge you for diffusing it every day from now until next Christmas—it’s that good!

Make sure to remember the most important gift of Christmas. Keep the reason for the season at the center of your thoughts by filling your home with the cozy scents of Frankincense, Myrrh, and warm spices.
We hope you enjoy diffusing the season!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same