The Power We Possess

The Power We Possess
This morning, I was reminded once again of the power I possess. 

I woke up cranky. We’re fighting the newest version of the crud in our house and while I’m on the upswing, others aren’t yet, and in my not fully recovered state, I got hit with the wonky emotions aspect that’s a very real part of this process.

Everything was setting me off and had been since the night before. Bri was being adorable and funny. I was annoyed. No wet cat food available for the whiny cat? I was annoyed. Kitchen not up to MY standard? I was annoyed. The pantry I’d just cleaned out a few days ago hadn’t been kept in perfect order while I was quarantined upstairs? I was annoyed. 

You get the picture. 

All the negative thoughts became what I meditated on as they were running through my head. It wasn’t a happy space and my day felt governed by it before it had really even begun. I knew I could change it, but there was a part of me that just wanted to be grumpy and sit in it – all the while letting those around me share in my foul mood. You're welcome.

Have you ever felt like that?

So, I did what I knew I needed to do. I sat in my bed, coffee in one hand, Bible in the other, and simply said, “I NEED Jesus. This is not who I am. I feel like I can’t snap out of it. I need His peace and I need to recapture His joy.” 

I opened up to the Psalms and began reading. Wouldn’t you know I landed in one about death? (Insert eye roll.) That didn’t speak life to my soul for sure, so I turned the page and tried again. 

I know in the past I wouldn’t have turned the page. I would have tossed my Bible aside and used what happened to add fuel to the fire burning within. Ever been there?

But . . . when I chose to turn the page, I read exactly what my spirit and soul needed to hear and in those moments, everything within became aligned to His truths, His love, His very being within me. I reconnected with who I really am and my day was realigned through the power of the Word and the choice I made to press into it.

What did I read? Psalm 91 and Psalm 92, letting words of protection, life, worship, thankfulness, adoration, purpose, meaning, miracles, and more wash over me. These are a few of the verses that spoke to my heart and transformed my day.

Your anointing has made me strong and mighty. You’ve empowered my life for triumph by pouring fresh oil over me. Yes! Look how you’ve made all your devoted lovers to flourish like palm trees, each one growing in victory, standing with strength! You’ve transplanted them into your heavenly courtyard, where they are thriving before you, for in your presence they will still overflow and be anointed. Even in their old age they will stay fresh, bearing luscious fruit and abiding faithfully. Listen to them! With pleasure they still proclaim: “You’re so good! You’re my beautiful strength! You’ve never made a mistake with me.” (Psalm 92:10, 12-15, TPT)

Those verses may or may not resonate with you, but it was just what my soul needed to hear. 
I want to remind you of the power you possess. You have the ability to shift atmospheres, influence and transform situations, and mold your day by releasing His presence into it. If at first what you try doesn’t succeed, turn the page, and keep seeking. You WILL find Him, and when you do, nothing can remain the same - unless, of course, you want more of the same. 

You possess great power, my friend. Use it to bring heaven to earth and feel free to pass this along to others who need the same reminder!

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

January 2022: COME

I’ve been wrestling these first 10 days of this new year. Maybe you have been too? This morning, it all made sense and I finally feel like the cogs of the mechanism of life have aligned and shifted into place. Did you feel a shift in the spirit this morning?
As I sat in His presence reading a couple of books on intercession, I sensed the Holy Spirit begin to download prayer strategy to me for this season and wanted to journal it. I wrote the date and God highlighted it to me. I realized there were 21 days left in the month, starting today, and the days I felt I’d botched or missed so far this month due to distraction weren’t lost after all.

I knew in that instant today is a fresh start and He was inviting me to a concentrated 21 days with Him that would be accelerated and far make up for any days I’d missed so far.

As I took communion and asked His forgiveness for the days I felt I’d “wasted” so far this year, the word “chaos” came out of my mouth. I really believe there has been an assignment to create chaos in our lives, even in the simplest things, such as packing away Christmas decorations, cleaning the house, and even not feeling 100% well over these last days – all to keep us from being homed in and focused on being in the Lord’s presence.

Recently, I caught a quote someone shared on Instagram. (I’d give credit, but I can’t remember who it was who shared it . . .) The quote simply said:

I read it, it pierced my heart, and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since. I had committed my January to Him at a level I’d never promised Him before, yet so far, I’d allowed all kinds of things in my life to draw me away, take up time dedicated to Him, and hadn’t followed through as I’d planned.

Why is it so easy to give up what we know will bring the greatest, most lasting rewards, benefits, joy, and so much more in favor of something that offers nothing in return except for momentary satisfaction?

I think part of it is chaos has a voice far more demanding than the still, small voice of invitation the Lord often woos our hearts with to come into His inner chamber just to be with Him. The louder voice can easily drown out the quieter and make the things it screams at us about seem so much more important than the place of victory we’re being offered through His whispers.

Today is a new day and it’s the start of the final 21 days of this month in which I believe the invitation of the Lord is, “COME.”

No agenda.

No striving.

Simply be in His presence, connect heart to heart, let Him love you, and listen to all the things He wants to reveal to you. Some will be intimate, encouraging, and affirming; others will be strategies and blueprints for what He wants to do and build through you in coming days.

We have to draw near to His heart to walk forward in these days. These are days unlike any others and if we want to thrive no matter what’s going on around us, it’s imperative we’re connected to His heart, His voice, and His Spirit more deeply and fully than ever before.

Today, He’s saying, “Come. It’s not too late in the month. Engage with Me. Ask Me your questions. Listen for My answers. Dedicate these 21 days to being in my presence as never before.”
Here are some suggestions to help you get started.

  • Make a decision to seek the Lord. Set the time aside and don’t allow anything to take away from your planned time with Him, while also staying connected heart-to-heart throughout your day.
  • Consider doing a “subtraction” and an “addition” during this time. For instance, you might decide to not watch TV as your subtraction and make the time you would have watched TV an addition of time in God’s presence.
  • Worship and praise Him. These are our most powerful weapons for waging war against the enemy. Need an answer to prayer in your life? Position yourself in battle by worshipping God. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord as worship shifts atmospheres and God defeats the enemy on your behalf (2 Chron. 20:15-30). Here’s a great playlist with four songs to help you get started. Just listen to one if that’s all the time you have. (The last one is longer with a section of instrumental music you can use to simply soak in His presence.)
  • Journal what the Lord speaks to you and use anything applicable as a guide in prayer.
  • Let thankfulness and joy fill your heart, allowing trust and faith to rise within you as you enjoy time in His presence and being loved by Him.
“COME, Beloved.”

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Hello, January!

Happy New Year, friends! I cannot believe another year has come and gone! I hope and pray that 2022 brings you peace, community, togetherness, and unity. May we all go into this season with a sense of gratitude for the things that truly matter. Cheers! 

Scroll on through to catch all the January news...
  • January Gifts With Purchase
  • Wednesday's Special Event
  • Recipes
  • Convention '22 Save the Date!
  • Spirt & Soul Wellness
  • January Diffusing Calendar
Let's get started!

January's Gifts With Purchase: Starting Fresh!

When your order hits one of these PV levels you will receive the corresponding products for FREE! Look at everything you get for free when you hit 300 PV! 

While you can see the breakdown above, each of these oils has some incredible uses! Want to learn more? Click below to catch all the details!

*Receive the Subscription Exclusives when your order is placed through the monthly subscription program, which is the best way to save money and support your health. If you need more details on this, let me know!


We're kicking off the New Year with an exciting, online event led by two, surprise guests! 

Our guests include a YL Corporate Manager, as well as a very familiar face from YL's Global Training & Education team! They'll be sharing some exciting Young Living news, as well as leading us in a New Year's reflection that will include teaching us how we can incorporate YL oils into helping us reach our 2022 goals! Not only that, they're doing a giveaway! 

It's a great time to let go of what's behind and grab onto all that lies ahead in the New Year! 

Align your mindsets with those dreams, 
Move forward with motivation and the belief that you CAN reach and achieve your 2022 goals!

Where will the road ahead lead you??? Get on the path with us on January 5th at 8:00 p.m. EST! And, be sure to bring any questions you may have for YL Corporate - this is your time to speak directly with them!

R.S.V.P. for the Zoom link. We can't wait to kick off the New Year with YOU!


In-person convention is back, with one exciting twist! Just like our Asia Pacific, Europe, and Latin America regions have their own conventions, beginning in 2022, the annual convention held in Salt Lake City will now be hosted by the North American market and specifically geared to the North American audience.

Join us in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 15–18 for our first-ever North America Convention! Registration opens on Wednesday, January 12, at 3 p.m., MT. If you want to attend the event in person, be sure to sign up by April 30. 

Want to join us from the comfort of your own home instead? You can do that too! Virtual tickets are unlimited and will remain available through June 10.

Snag your spot on January 12!



The holidays may have come to an end but the fun doesn’t have to stop there! Keep things festive in the kitchen with your Vitality oils. Try adding a drop or two of your favorites to some hot chocolate on those chilly nights. Like this…

What are these oils good for? 

  • Peppermint Vitality - promotes healthy bowel function, supports gastrointestinal system comfort, and adds a fresh, minty flavor to food and beverages.
  • Orange Vitality - provides digestive and immune support when taken as a dietary supplement. It can also be added to foods and beverages to impart a sweet citrus flavor to your favorite dishes.
  • Lavender Vitality - contains antioxidants and may provide immune support when taken as a dietary supplement. It can also be added to foods and beverages giving a delicate, floral flavor that combines well with citrus and herbs.
  • Cinnamon Bark Vitality - contains antioxidants and may provide immune and general wellness support. In addition, it can be used to add a familiar, warm and spicy flavor to your favorite foods and beverages.


Hands getting dry during the cooler months? How about those lips? Getting chapped? I’ve got the perfect product for you - Rose Ointment! It's amazing! 

Rose Ointment seals moisture into skin to deeply hydrate, soothe, and soften while supporting dewy, healthy-looking skin. Gentle enough for everyday use, Rose Ointment is formulated for sensitive skin and uses 100% plant-based and naturally derived ingredients. Ultra-versatile and easy to use, it seals moisture into skin and is perfect for use on lips, cuticles, elbows, knees, and wherever you have dry skin. Have you tried this yet? If not, grab it in your next box!


Have you signed up to receive texts from Young Living? Get the latest news, limited-time offers, DIYs, new products, and more. 

Text YLTEXT to 30299 to get started

Already opted in? You can still update your preferences to tailor your texts to get the content you’re looking for by texting UPDATE to 30299.

You can even get these in Spanish! Opt in by texting USLATINO to 30299 or can go to to subscribe.

Save it to your computer and print it out for easy, daily reference!


As The Renovated Life, we focus on spirit, soul, and body. Young Living undergirds our focus on overall health & wellness for our bodies. But . . . that's not our only focus because we want to help meet the needs of the WHOLE person, which includes spirit and soul well-being, too! 

We'll be getting back to our monthly worship gatherings soon. Please keep your eye out on our event page for the latest information.

In the meantime, check out our regular blog posts for encouragement and monthly, prophetic words. Here are a couple of Andrea's latest posts. A prophetic word for January will be posted this week.

Andrea is also posting daily affirmations on both FaceBookInstagram. Each includes a scripture verse and many will include essential oil suggestions to use with your daily affirmation. If we aren't already connected, friend / follow to catch each one!

That's it for this month! Please reach out if we can help you on your wellness journey!

Happy Oiling,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

January 2022: Young Living's Gifts With Purchase

Young Living's January 2022 Gifts with Purchase
I absolutely adore these Gifts With Purchase! "Fresh" is the word that describes them and as we all start fresh with a new year, I'm ready for all the benefits these gifts have to offer! Check them out...

Here is the full breakdown of the US January 2022 Gifts With Purchase:
100 PV
Free Shipping

190 PV
Eucalyptus Radiata 15-ml
Grapefruit 15-ml*
Rosemary 15-ml*
Free shipping

250 PV
Lime 15-ml
Eucalyptus Radiata 15-ml
Grapefruit 15-ml*
Rosemary 15-ml*
Free shipping

300 PV
Seed to Seal Story Collection
Cedarwood 15-ml
Lime 15-ml
Eucalyptus Radiata 15-ml
Grapefruit 15-ml*
Rosemary 15-ml*
Free shipping

*Remember, in order to get the Subscribe to Save Rosemary 15-ml and Grapefruit 15-ml, you have to be enrolled in the Loyalty Rewards program and/or have a Subscription order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting all these PV amounts with your S2S order is that you get even more Loyalty Points to spend later!

Seed to Seal Story Collection (300 PV tier)
This collection is 10-ml bottles of Lavender, Peppermint, and Tea Tree. They are cleansing, invigorating, calming, and so many things in between! Need help with a little muscle or head tension? Peppermint helps with a minty, soothing refreshment. Tea Tree and Lavender are great for winter skin. So many uses in just these three oils that you will find yourself going back to them every day!

• Experience three powerhouse oils. Drift to sleep with dreamy Lavender, bash the appearance of blemishes with herbaceous Tea Tree, and cool down those tired legs after a run with cooling Peppermint.
• Use from sunup to sundown. These essential oil favorites are easy to add to nearly every part of your day-to-day, from soothing skin care to homemade cleaners.

Cedarwood 15-ml (300 PV tier)
For most people, Cedarwood is just for sleep. Which it's very good for, by the way. But there's so. much. more. It's great for skin care, confidence, envisioning the future, and surprisingly good with certain oils in the diffuser! Check out the uses below and start exploring others when you get this bottle. It's so good.

• Treat those tresses. You have to wear your hair every day, so let Cedarwood make it your best-looking feature! Warm a few drops on your hands and fingers and gently rub it into your scalp for healthy-looking hair.
• Soften the appearance of your skin. Add Cedarwood to your nightly body lotion, daily face moisturizer, and weekly face mask and marvel at how it cleanses, moisturizes, and conditions your skin.
• Sweeten your surroundings. Share Cedarwood’s calm, complementary scent by adding it to your diffuser blends. Mix it with citrus notes, floral accents, or earthy tones to create your own unique combination.

Lime 15-ml (250 PV tier)
Freshen up your diffuser blends with a little citrus twist! Lime adds a unique twist to some winter favorites. Combine it with Thieves or Purification and enjoy a little extra freshness with the comfort. You can even add a drop to your nighttime moisturizer!

• Add some zest to your day and take a mini tropical staycation in a bottle! Invite Lime’s sunny, citrusy notes into your favorite spaces by diffusing it or add it to your DIY cleaner to enjoy its fresh, clean scent.
• Get that glow. What’s a vacation without some spa time? Give your skin some glow by applying 2 drops of Lime to your face with a cotton pad or ball as you wind down for bed.

Eucalyptus Radiata 15-ml (190 PV tier)
Eucalyptus Radiata is one of the key oils in the Thieves blend, which brings a comforting familiarity when it's in the diffuser or used in a DIY chest rub with a carrier oil. Comfort, relaxation, and a fresh clean scent is what you get in this wonderful 15ml bottle!

• Love your locks. Give those tresses the royal treatment! Massage a few drops of Eucalyptus Radiata into your scalp so the rejuvenating scent can refresh your hair.
• Drift off to dreamland. Rub a little Eucalyptus Radiata on the bottoms of your feet and inhale the comforting aroma as you settle down for a long winter’s nap.

Grapefruit 15-ml (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)
Grapefruit is near the pinnacle of freshness! With a bit of sweetness along with the burst of citrus, Grapefruit will brighten up your home. In the diffuser, in your cleaner, or any way you choose to use it!

• Refresh the room. Want your room to feel like a sunny beach house? Grapefruit brings a welcome burst of freshness, whether you’re diffusing it or using it to zest up your household cleaners.
• Show off a sweet, summery scent. Grapefruit’s sweet, invigorating aroma can brighten any day. Just dab a little on your wrists and neck to sport a fresh personal scent.

Rosemary 15-ml (Bonus Subscribe to Save 190 PV tier)
The herbaceous, fresh scent of Rosemary pairs well in the diffuser with citrus oils or can help bring out the notes in blends that it's already in like Thieves! On top of that, it's great for those days when you need to focus up and get things done! Psst! Some really helpful tips below too. 

• Show your scalp some TLC. Massage a few drops of this fresh, woodsy essential oil into your scalp by adding it to your favorite shampoo. Mix it with Cedarwood, the 300 PV-tier gift with purchase, for a refreshing scalp mask.
• Spritz away the stinky and sticky. Clean to your heart’s content, spritzing away stinky odors and sticky counters with a Rosemary-infused DIY cleaner.

Free Shipping (100 PV tier)
Even in the new year, shipping on orders over 100 PV are free. Free as free can be. 

• Save on shipping. As always, once your reach our 100 PV tier, we’ll ship your order for free!

Don't have a Young Living account yet? I'd love to help support you on your wellness journey! Click the link below to access wholesale pricing.

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Your History Doesn't Determine Your Future!

Your History Doesn't Determine Your Future
What was doesn’t have to be what will be.

Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross, giving His life and shedding His blood that we would be able to live forgiven, freed, redeemed, healed in every way. 

The enemy of our souls would love for us to stay bound by things of the past, but Jesus’ blood has covered us, cleansing us from all sin, and has set us free. That means we aren’t trapped by the past and the chains that once held us bound have been broken. 

Check out these portions of lyrics to the song, “Better Word,” written by Leeland Mooring, Kyle Lee, and Casey Moore.  (Click on the link below to listen to the song.)

Your blood, my hope
My hope and my defense
Your blood, forever covers me

It's singing out with life
It's shouting down the lies
It echoes through the night
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word

It's calling out my name
It's breaking every chain
Oh, it's making all things right
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word
It speaks a better word

Speaking life over me
It's rewriting my history
It covers me with destiny, yes, it does
It's making all things right
The precious blood of Christ

It's shouting down the lies
It echoes through the night
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word

Let those truths sink into your soul and transform your thinking. What was doesn’t have to be a determining factor of how your future will unfold. He’s rewriting your history, which means your future isn’t necessarily what you thought it would end up being. 

What can it mean when your history is rewritten? Mistakes you’ve made, hurts and trauma you’ve endured, and disappointments you’ve experienced don’t have to reach into the future to determine how things will turn out for you. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, your history has been redeemed, which means you’ve been set free from those things. The question for each of us is, will we allow ourselves to live like that? 

Yes, things have happened in your life that you wish hadn’t, but the blood of Jesus has provided forgiveness – for you to receive and to offer. Not only that, but His blood has also broken every chain that’s kept you bound or attached to things from the past. That means shame is not your portion. It also means you don’t need to be held captive by anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness for the actions of others against you. Forgiveness is powerful – don’t underestimate its ability to bring freedom to your life. 

On the cross, Jesus declared, “It is finished.” His death and resurrection made a way for us to be wholly forgiven, healed, set free, and at peace. No matter what our pasts have looked like and whether those things have been a result of our own decisions or those of others, when we can allow the truth of the cross to enable us to let go of things in our past, then our history will no longer influence our future.

If your history was rewritten, what would your future hold? What an awesome conversation to have with Jesus! Take the limits off, my friend, live as the redeemed person you are, and take bold steps forward into all Jesus has ahead for you!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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