Where is Jesus?

Where He Is . . .

Is always where we want to be and that very rarely looks like what we expect.

Ever have one of those moments as you’re reading the Bible when you can’t move past a verse or two – you have to know more? That was the case with me this morning. I love those moments because they send me on the most glorious rabbit trails of searching out word meanings, reading commentaries, and researching on the internet. That may sound boring to some, but I’m unapologetically an avid student and when I’m learning about my favorite subject, faith, it’s an absolute joy to me!

So, what captured me today? It was Matthew 11:16-17, two verses that hadn’t yet been underlined in my over 25-year-old Bible, so they’d obviously not made an impact previously. This is Jesus speaking . . .

“But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling to their companions and saying: ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not lament.’” 

Let me give you a bit of background before I dig into what the Lord was speaking to me in those two verses. In the larger picture of this passage, Jesus is talking to the multitudes and is validating John the Baptist and his ministry. He’s calling out the people, including the teachers of the law – the Pharisees and Sadducees, for their responses to John’s ministry. While many people believed in the message John preached, they didn’t all believe he’d come as Elijah to prepare the way for the Messiah, many ridiculed him for the way he lived as a Nazarene and fasted, and some certainly didn’t like how he delivered his message. Jesus, on the other hand, didn’t fast, He hung out with “sinners and tax collectors,” and drank wine. There were plenty of those who weren’t pleased with that either. They refused to be satisfied.

Now, back to verses 16-17. What Jesus was doing was likening the people to children who played in the marketplaces. Several commentaries mention children would have seen their parents at weddings and funerals and could easily pretend play at those things and likely often did. These children were frustrated because whether they played the flute and danced, like at weddings, or “mourned,” their friends weren’t happy with either and didn’t want to join in with them. It was the same with John and Jesus – the people weren’t satisfied with either way of living and preaching.

This got me thinking about dissatisfaction in the church body today. For instance, some are “Team Traditional,” while others are “Team Contemporary” (and there are different views on what “contemporary” looks like among churches). There are cries of dissent over all kinds of things in the church.

  • “There’s too much grace preached and not enough repentance!”
  • “Worship has become a glorified, too-loud concert all about people and their needs, rather than it being focused entirely on Jesus!”
  • “Tradition has no place in modern Christianity – that’s for churches that don’t preach the salvation message. It’s just dead religion.”
  • “People have become too familiar with the Lord in their desire for intimacy with Him. There’s not enough fear of the Lord in the church today.”
I’m not saying there aren’t valid points in what I’ve written above. What I’m pointing out is that there will always be those who oppose one “side” or the other, just as people opposed John or Jesus.
My question for God was, “Where is Jesus in all of this? Is He in the flute playing or in the mourning?” Here are some personal opinions of mine that lead me to believe He’s in both.

  • I’m so thankful for His grace given to me every moment of every day . . . and I believe in the importance of repentance in our walk with Him. I love that it’s His GOODNESS and KINDNESS that draws us to repentance (Romans 2:4 ) – that part of the message is often left out.
  • I see beauty in the hymns and the ways they can draw us into His presence. I really appreciate the words and meanings of those songs written so long ago and love how many of today’s artists have re-recorded those hymns in powerful renditions. I’ve been totally caught up in His presence through those yet choose much more contemporary worship on a daily basis because that’s what I love. There’s a place and room for both. I’ve been grateful for each time I’ve needed Jesus to meet me in hard places in my life and He’s done so through songs that are more about me and my needs than about the beauty of His holiness. In this season, I’m much more in search of songs about Him than about me because I’ve finally discovered everything I need is found in His presence.
  • I have pretty strong feelings against religion because I believe Jesus died to forgive us of our sins and free us from the law. To me, religion is the law – it’s the trappings of legalism that hold people in bondage to “do/don’t,” “should/shouldn’t”, and “have to.” I want to see people freed from the shackles of religion and brought into encounter with God. Why? So they can experience the truth of who He is, rather than be bound by legalism and a wrong view of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and so the things they do or don’t do stem from the love for and depth of relationship they have with Him. That doesn’t mean I believe Jesus looks at all traditions and things of the past as “bad” or “useless.” For instance, I believe there’s a place for quiet contemplation and meditating on Him, spending quiet time in His presence, much as monks and others have done for centuries. There’s also such power and transformation that takes place through Communion, yet for most, it’s mainly become an act done on a specific Sunday of the month and lost its meaning and purpose. I also believe in the supernatural and the realm of the Spirit. I believe in praying in the Spirit, miracles, healing, raising of the dead, partnering with angels, visions, dreams, the prophetic, and so much more that’s available through our relationship with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Many discount so much of what’s available to us through the Spirit realm because the New Age movement hijacked much of what was meant for Christian believers and accessed it through an entirely different spirit realm.
  • The fear of the Lord is crucial in our walk with Him yet often, we ignore this aspect because we don’t know how to walk out fearing the Lord. I don’t believe our loving Father would ever ask us to be afraid of Him. He would never require something of us that would drive a wedge between us, especially not after having sent His Son to die on the cross so that we might be forgiven, redeemed, and restored to right relationship with Him. To walk in the fear of the Lord is to walk in reverence, awe, and wonder. We simply haven’t understood how fear is defined.
In response to the John and Jesus debate about which was right or better, Jesus said in the second part of Matthew 11:19 (NKJV), “Wisdom is justified by her children.” In another version (NASB 1995), you read, “Wisdom is vindicated by her deeds.” My favorite is “God’s wisdom will become visible by those who embrace it” (TPT).
Wisdom isn’t found in arguments over this or that being right or wrong. It’s found in the person of Jesus. Together, let’s find Him in the dancing and in the mourning. Where He is is always where we want to be and that very rarely looks like what we expect.

I think there’s a lot more we can discuss on this topic and what I’ve written has just scratched the surface. What are your thoughts? Reach out and let me know!

Living for Him,

P.S. As always, if Brian and I can pray for you, please reach out!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Creating a Legacy for the Generations to Come

Creating a Legacy for the Generations to Come
The other day, I was reading the Bible, and something stood out to me as never before. Maybe it’s because we’ve been loving being grandparents and are now preparing for the arrival of our second grandchild. Maybe it’s because I’m turning 55 in April. Or it could simply be founded on the importance we place on family. Whatever the reason, I saw building a legacy in a new way as I read 1 Chronicles 22, 28, & 29.

In these chapters, we read about King David’s desire to build a house for the Lord, but God told David his son, Solomon, would build it instead because David had been a man of war and had shed blood, whereas Solomon would be a man of rest (1 Chron. 22:7-10).

David’s heart was right, his plan was honoring, and yet it wasn’t his work to accomplish. He could have chosen to do it anyway because he really wanted to be the one to do it. He could have felt defeated, slighted, or offended by God. He could have felt shame, frustration, or disappointment. But David didn’t do or feel any of those things. Instead, he thoroughly prepared for his son’s success in building the temple.

David made sure the stones were prepared, the wood was cut, iron was available “in abundance for the nails of the doors of the gates and for the joints,” along with having enough bronze available it was “beyond measure” (1 Chron. 22:3). He also prepared a massive amount of gold and silver (vs. 14) and made sure the workers and craftsmen were in place for “every kind of work” (vs. 15).

In chapter 28, we read how David prepared detailed plans for every facet of the temple construction, the work of the priests and Levites, and all of the articles used – plans given to him by the Spirit (vs. 12-13). The weights of gold and silver were meticulously measured out for everything, even down to the forks used (vs. 14-18)! It’s really amazing to read how thorough David was in making sure his son could succeed at the work God had called him to do. 

I love how David said, “All this . . . the Lord made me understand in writing, by His hand upon me, all the works of these plans.” (1 Chron. 28:19) David set his son up for success and made sure he had everything he needed to accomplish the work and it was all by the instruction of the Lord.

David was also certain to speak into his son’s life, preparing him for what was ahead. “And David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God—my God—will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.” (1 Chronicles 28:20)

Not only that, David made sure the leaders were also prepared to help Solomon. “David also commanded all the leaders of Israel to help Solomon his son, saying, ‘Is not the Lord your God with you? And has He not given you rest on every side? For He has given the inhabitants of the land into my hand, and the land is subdued before the Lord and before His people.  Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. Therefore arise and build the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the Lord.’” (1 Chronicles 22:17-19)

So, David gave up his personal dream but created a legacy (that was ridiculously thorough) that would propel his son to success. It was far more than leaving a monetary inheritance. While David amassed and bequeathed ample financial blessings, he didn’t miss the facets of investing in his son’s character, equipping him to not just build the physical temple for the Lord but to also be a man with a loyal heart who would keep the Lord’s commandments, testimonies, and statutes, knowing that by doing those things, Solomon would have success in building everything for which provision had already been made (1 Chronicles 29:19). 

David also knew where all the blessings came from – the hand of the Lord, and publicly acknowledged that as He worshipped the Lord before the people of his nation. David also prayed for his son and the people he governed who would now come alongside Solomon in this work.

How does all of this apply to us today and why has it been stirring my heart so much? As parents and grandparents, it’s vitally important we think through the details of the legacy we’re leaving the generations who will come after us. 

  • We may or may not have a financial treasure to leave them, but as with David, the Spirit still gives us plans to implement that will propel our generations for success in the work of their hands that God has called them to accomplish on earth. 
  • We can pray for them and cheer them on (including those yet to come), impart wisdom, and live lives of faith and worship that become inheritances they can build upon as our ceilings become their floors and our battles become their victories. 
  • We can be sure they know where all the blessings come from and how to live with grateful hearts.
  • We all recognize it “takes a village” to grow and launch our kids into their God-given callings and destinies. We can be really intentional about creating that community, as well as pray for those who will be with them in the work set before them, and lead them in blessing and worshiping the Lord. 
  • We can teach our kids not to fear and how to walk with strength and courage, as well as what it looks like to have a loyal heart – one that’s intimately connected with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
  • We can walk humbly before God, lean into His leading, be willing to let go of the things that aren’t ours to do, and joyfully celebrate the callings of the ones we love – whether or not they’re called to carry on the dreams we had in our hearts to accomplish.
Psalm 123:7 says, “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” Heritage is defined by Merriam-Webster as “something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor (legacy, inheritance).” Children are our legacy and our inheritance, our reward and our gift from the Lord.

None of us were created to simply take up space on the earth, live the best lives possible with all the shiny things, make a name for ourselves, and do what’s best for us. 

We were created to rule and reign in partnership with God and our families, establishing heaven on earth in the process, and bring light to dark places as we worship the Lord together and see His glory fill the earth. 

We have a responsibility to create a lasting legacy, passing the torch to the next generations - after we’ve helped prepare and equip them for success.

I sense an urgency to this, and it includes an added element. As mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, we have to be aware of those who are fatherless around us and step in to raise them up as a generation who knows who they are and Whose they are because we’ve shown them through being part of their lives. 

Will we say yes to intentionally doing all in our power as led by Holy Spirit to create a legacy for our generations? It couldn’t have been an easy task for David, but he didn’t shy away from it – he went above and beyond to see it through. Will we shape the world by the legacy we create or abdicate our responsibility? What will our decision be?

Living for Him,

P.S. As always, if Brian and I can pray for you, please reach out!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

2024 Prophectic Word

2024 Prophetic Word
At the end of each year, I set aside extra time to spend in the presence of God and listen to His heart for the New Year. He usually begins downloading things a bit earlier in the month, pulls it all together as the days pass, and surprises me with additional words from His heart. (Those are usually dropped in my spirit in the most random places, like the shower, but I think God speaks to people in the bathroom more often than not!)

This year has been no different, but what is different is that the one-word focus He’s given to me personally for 2024, He’s told me is also a corporate word He’s giving to the body at large. First, let me share with you a bit about this year’s word because it’s the foundation for what’s ahead.

For me, 2023, has been focused on partnership (my one-word focus) with God in every area of life. It’s been learning to be His partner and been a revelation to my heart of the fact that He views me as His perfect partner. How often have I read Song of Songs 5:2 in The Passion Translation this year, letting it sink into my spirit and soul? It still holds me in awe with each fresh reading!

“. . . Arise, my love. Open your heart, my darling, deeper still to me. Will you receive me this dark night? There is no one else but you, my friend, my equal. I need you this night to arise and come be with me. You are my pure, loyal dove, a perfect partner for me. My flawless one, will you arise?” (Italics mine.)

What I’ve been left with is His question to me – “Will you arise?” He’s calling me to partner with Him in things that are far greater than my skills and abilities and it leaves me quaking in my boots, totally recognizing I’m utterly incapable apart from Him.

He’s asking the same of each of us – “Will you arise?” No longer can we shrink back waiting for someone else to do something He’s created, called, and destined us to do. Will He allow someone else to step into our place to accomplish His plan on earth if we don’t step up? Yes. But that’s not His Plan A; it’s His Plan B.

It’s imperative we recognize He views us as His perfect partner. His desire is to fulfill His plans on earth in partnership with us, and He’s asking us to arise – take action in bringing heaven to earth in every sphere of society. We’re called to shape the world in which we live, making it more closely resemble heaven on earth, not idly sit by as others shape it into something God never intended for it to be.

This has been a year of massive transition for so many and most are still feeling the “upendedness” of that transition. We may be taking the steps forward we feel led to take, but the dust still hasn’t settled, so we can’t see very far ahead of us, and it still feels messy.

This brings us to the word for 2024: ALIGNMENT.

In a quick Google search, I found some of the definitions of alignment include: arrangement in a straight line or in correct or appropriate relative positions, an arrangement of groups or forces in relation to one another, being positioned in relation to something else or to its correct position, a condition of close cooperation, the proper adjustment of the components for coordinated functioning, a state of agreement or cooperation among persons, groups, nations, etc., with a common cause or viewpoint.*

As God has spoken to me about alignment, He’s been giving me pictures of things being aligned, put into their proper positions, closely cooperating, and functioning together for a common cause. In my mind’s eye, saw huge gears heavily set into place. It was jarring and yet when they synced with one another, there was the ease of smooth movement and almost a musical hum of working together. Puzzle pieces were fit together so as one, they would reveal the larger picture. The chain on a bike fell into place with each link swiftly falling over the gears as it moved the bike forward to its destination. Each of these became visuals of what alignment looks like in action.

I believe 2024 must be a year of alignment in order for us to continue to partner with God in what He’s doing in the earth. We’re going to see an alignment in the church. I don’t believe the church can continue to function as it has and as it aligns in partnership with God, we’re going to see a massive shift and transformation occur. There will be those who will stay as it’s always been, but we’re going to see a move of change in the church that will more closely resemble the books of Acts. The current structure can’t stay the same for this to occur and it will take longer than a year for it to happen.

We’re also going to see new alignments in nations – alliances that have been prophesied centuries before this and fulfilled in the closely coming days. There’s going to be a shifting and setting into place in measure we haven’t seen in quite some time. Prayer over these alignments is critical for the world at large. Watchmen take your places on the walls!

Each one of us is being set into correct positions for “such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14) All of the transition we’ve been walking through has led to this – to being positioned in relationship to the people, things, spheres of society, and nations He’s called us to partner with Him in bringing transformation. Job changes are imminent if they haven’t already happened. Movement into the political realm, education, and business in new ways that will draw you out of your comfort zone is happening. Influence into society, particularly through social media, will exponentially grow for many whose voices are to be heard in partnership with God and the messages He wants to convey. This will be beyond each of our natural capabilities and will require a trust walk with God in every way. We will also need to know Him as Jehovah Jireh as never before.

Some of the new alignments will feel very heavy and jarring, but once the alignments are made, they’ll run smoothly and branch out to align with others. Think of multiple gears functioning together as they do in a clock. This is also related to the passage of time.

God is aligning timelines, as well. What once seemed like delays will accelerate and sync perfectly with God’s predestined timeline. He also stands outside of time as the Creator of it and we’re going to see just how fluid time is, rather than it being as structured as we have believed it to be.

We’re also going to see groups of people arising – those who are answering His call of “Will you arise?” We’re going to see pockets of people being aligned in communities and within them, God revealing Himself as the pillar of cloud in the day and fire by night, showing His glory and power in communities around the world. As we align with Him, we’re going to see His presence made evident in far greater measure because the groups of people will be aligned/united. It will draw the hearts of people to Him because what they’ll see is His unending love in action, not religion.

Isaiah 45:2 says, “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.” God has already gone before us in the year ahead and has made the crooked places straight.

Before this, in Isaiah 42:16, He says, “I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, and not forsake them.” We’re going to see this happening in the lives of those who have been “blind” to the truth of who God really is – they’re going to see Him as never before and they’ll be some of those gears falling into place, aligning with others. They’ll go on paths that have been unfamiliar to them, but His light will bring light to where they’re walking, and they will know He’s with them always. An unprecedented number of prodigals will come home as in their lives, the darkness is made light, and the crooked places are made straight.

The alignment of 2024 is a shifting into place of destiny, calling, timing, and the fulfillment of the of the transition and preparation we’ve been walking through in 2023.

Will you arise, His perfect partner, and align with Him?

Blessings in 2024, my friend!

Living for Him,

P.S. As always, if Brian and I can pray for you, please reach out!
*Definitions of alignment from: Oxford Languages, Miriam Webster, Cambridge Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, Dictionary.com, & Vocabulary.com

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

November Prophetic Word: Stand


As I played instrumental worship music and entered into His presence this morning, I had a powerful encounter with the Lord.
I was dancing the waltz with God in the midst of a stunning ballroom decorated in creams and gold, illuminated by glorious light. We were both dressed in white. I held my long, flowing gown out to the side as we spun in circles around the dance floor that was reserved only for us as others stood along the perimeter. I was flooded with joy and as I watched the scene unfold in my mind, I wept, releasing all I’d been holding within.
After a while of dancing on the ballroom floor, we began to ascend into the heavenlies, and we were dancing in and on the clouds. Small, delicate stars began to fall all around us, some landing on me and soaking into me, infusing me with their heat and light. I wept even more. It’s hard to even describe it.
The scene changed as Papa offered me His hand and we walked together in the most beautiful, English garden. He pointed out the smallest of flowers, not wanting me to miss seeing their delicate beauty amidst the rest of the splendor.
We eventually came through the garden and were standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea – like one seen on the coasts of Cornwall. It was dawn and I heard Him say to me, “STAND, and watch the Son rise.” It was the most incredible sunrise I’d ever seen. The light of His presence rising shone on me and warmed me to the core of my spirit and soul, strengthening me with its power.
Then, we were at the edge of a river, and I was now clothed in battle gear. The Lord spoke again, saying, “Drink, and wash your face, daughter. You carry the marks of war.” I drank deeply and felt the refreshing of the water within. I washed off the dirt and the blood of the war-filled season I’d been in and when I finished, I stood once again, face set like flint, looking across the river, facing the risen sun / son. I heard just a snippet of the Elton John song, “I’m still standin’ better than I ever did!” and the vision ended.
“So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing.” (Ephesians 6:13, CJB)
This has been the most intense season of war for so many, yet God’s word to us is to STAND.
I was reminded of the final fight scene in “Wonder Woman” when she fights against Ares. I saw her stand firm against the onslaught of his attacks, and as she did, she discovered even greater power in the weapons she’d possessed all along as she took what the enemy used against her and turned it on him.

God has equipped us with every weapon needed as we come face to face with the enemy.

 “Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.
Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser!  Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms.  For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. 13Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.
Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.
In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one!  Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.
Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times.”
(Ephesians 6:10-18, TPT)
Dance with Him and have your joy restored.

Let His stars fall on you, infusing you with light and direction (Star of Bethlehem / Jesus, our Morningstar).

Notice the beauty all around you and be intentional in seeing it.

Let the Son rise on you, strengthening and empowering you.

Drink of His living streams of water to refresh your spirit and soul.

Be dressed for battle, keep your eyes on the Son and . . . STAND!
This is the music I worshipped to this morning when I had the encounter. So thankful for Upper Room! I'd love to hear of any encounters you have with the Lord as you listen!

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
P.S. As always, if we can pray for you, please reach out!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

October Word: War

October Word: War
In these waning moments of October, I want to capture the word the Lord had given me for this month: WAR.

October was marked by incredible intensity. Forces were unleashed that created what seemed like a tornadic whirlwind in the personal worlds of many with subsequent quaking, shifting, and breaking apart of countless things as massive transition took place. Some of the transition was good, but it’s really changed the landscape.

In a war, each side employs weapons. Our enemy’s includes panic, fear, discouragement, depression, paralysis, confusion, uncertainty, stress, and attacks on health and finances - just to name a few.

Our weapons look entirely different – worship, gratitude, prayer, joy, surrender, waiting, peace, kindness, love, and so many other things that stand in contrast to the weapons used against us. They’re also often totally contrary to the weapons we would choose to use.

I had a dream this month. In it, I was climbing into a bush to trim it. Each time I trimmed a piece off, I got down to throw it off to the side. As I walked back to the bush, I dragged my flip-flop-clad feet through the crunchy leaves on the ground. When I was back up in the bush, I heard a faint noise behind me in the leaves – a rustle and a quiet rattle, then a huge rattlesnake revealed itself, lifting itself up to strike. One of our dogs and a white bunny were on the other side of the bush, leaving me between them and the snake. The snake had its eyes on them and shot past me toward the bunny but missed. I stayed very still and asked God what I should do as it turned its head toward me. Oddly, I slowly reached behind me, grabbed a pillow, threw it at the snake, jumped down, ran around the house, through the garage, and then safely inside, never looking behind me to see if the snake was in pursuit.

What I want to highlight in this dream is that the weapon I reached for was soft – and it was enough. It wasn’t a gun or a machete or even a stick. I didn’t kill the snake, but the snake also didn’t harm me. As I asked the Lord about that, He told me, “Some of the most powerful weapons are soft - and they’re enough.”

When we wage war against something, we want to pull out the big guns. We operate in our own strength to fight through things, create solutions, and “do” things to “overcome the enemy.”

Sometimes in the most intense moments, our greatest weapons aren’t ones that annihilate, but they’re still “enough.” 

What if in the face of panic, you chose quiet peace? You exchanged discouragement for worship? You walked in His grace, rather than your failing strength? And . . . instead of figuring it out and being the solution, you partnered with Wisdom, waited on God in surrender, let Him work on your behalf, and trusted Him for divine downloads, strategies, and blueprints to follow? 

Sometimes the noise of the enemy’s bombshells makes it hard to think clearly, which easily leads to us becoming reactionary. We’re also not a patient people and we translate waiting on God as Him not hearing us or not answering our prayers. 

We storm the gates of heaven in intercession when what God is really asking of us is to simply spend time in His presence experiencing His love and goodness. It turns out it’s in that space where we learn His art of war and how to wield a pillow instead of a stick. 

Psalm 91 speaks so powerfully of God’s protection of us; however, it doesn’t say we won’t fall into the enemy’s traps or not live in times of destruction. Instead, it speaks of how we can feel safe and secure in the knowledge that He WILL rescue and protect us in the midst of it. 

The war has already been won through the cross and we’ve been declared the victor, but we rarely remember that truth in the midst of the battles we face.

I was reading Proverbs 31 in The Passion Translation this morning. Brian Simmons explains in his note on verse 10 that the Hebrew word, “khayil” used to describe the virtuous wife needs multiple English words to capture the meaning of it, including it being related to military prowess and the Bride being a warring wife, “mighty like an army.” Verse 11 goes on to say, “Her husband has entrusted His heart to her, for she brings Him the rich spoils of victory.”

We can’t avoid war. We must engage it, use the right weapons, and present our Bridegroom with the spoils of victory. Our choices disarm or empower the enemy. What weapons will we choose?

November’s word is a continuation of this conversation. It’s time to STAND. More on that soon . . .

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
P.S. As always, if we can pray for you, please reach out!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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