
Ever have difficulty getting your thoughts to quiet when you lay your head on your pillow at night? Try applying Surrender to your outer ears at bedtime. Let go and rest...Peace is found in Surrender. ❤️️
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Unveiling Jesus

You know when you layer a filter over a photo and it changes what the subject of the photo looked like in person? It might be nearly imperceptible to others or totally transforming, like when you simply brighten a photo or completely change a color one into one that looks black and white or vintage. 

We do the same in every aspect of life. We all view any number of things through filters. What veils our eyes may be the result of past experiences, teaching we’ve had, the homes in which we grew up, the friends we’ve surrounded ourselves with, culture, media, those who have been in positions of leadership or authority in our lives, or any number of other things.

It’s the same with our perception of Jesus.

We “know” Jesus through the filters of religion, through what we’ve been taught by our parents and church leaders, by how we see Christians act and how they treat others, by what unbelievers say and believe about Him, by the disappointments we’ve faced, and the suffering we've seen. Not only that, culture, media, politics, and so many other things in the world around us shape our “truth”.

Do you know there are multiple places in the Bible that talk about a time to come when Jesus would be unveiled? (You can find a few in John 17:1, Philippians 1:6 & 10.) 

That time has come. 

God is unveiling the truth of who Jesus really is and who He’s not. He longs to remove the filters from before our eyes so we can finally see Him clearly and experience deep, intimate friendship with Him.

Sometimes, you simply need someone to help you lift the veil or remove the filter you've been using, allowing you to clearly see what's been right before you. 

Jesus is all about relationship, not religion. Come encounter Him.

6 Week Online Course, May 12th – June 16th

Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. EST – FB Live* (Recorded so you can still catch it even if you can’t make the live.)

Thursday Night Topics: Relationship, Not Religion; Made to Worship; Communion & Communing; Chatting with the King; When Life Gets Real; “Swept Off Your Feet”

Plus, “Coffee & Conversation” – Tuesday mornings 8:00 a.m. EST (Join us on FB* with your cup of coffee or tea in hand as we have a chat about that morning's topic. These are bonus sessions that will also be recorded.) 

Coffee & Conversation Topics: Hope, the Prophetic, the Supernatural Aspects of God & Heaven, Decreeing & Declaring, Being the Church, Live Q & A 

Cost: $150 (payable via Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, or check)

Those who seek Him find Him… 
Chase after His heart. 
Know Him in truth…and be known in love.

Register to be added to the group.
*Not on FaceBook? Ask us about other options.

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

May 2022 Prophetic Word: Forward

May 2022: FORWARD
As I began to type the word “forward” God gave me for this month, it popped into my head how “May the Fourth Be with You” has become such a popular date for people to highlight. It’s a totally different reference, but . . . fourth . . . forth . . . forward . . . yep! Sounds about right! Isn’t it just like Jesus to use a pop culture reference to confirm a prophetic word?! 

April was a month when the Lord encouraged us to “let go.” Some things were big, some little; some easy, some heartbreaking. I think it’s very fitting to have the word “forward” follow last month’s word.

What does it look like for you to move forward now that you’ve let go of the things the Lord asked you to let go of last month? We can’t stay stuck where we were – there must be forward movement.

Interestingly, this is also the Hebrew month, Iyar, which is known as a month of transition. I believe the Lord is transitioning people this month. As they position and align with Him and take steps forward, I believe many will only know the first step they’re to take, rather than see the full picture of the plan for what’s ahead. As that first step forward is taken, while it may feel risky, the next step will be revealed once you’ve said “yes” to taking that first step in faith. It’s an invitation to trust Him in the transition and it’s a time to make decisions you’ve been waiting on. Each step taken and decisions made are prophetic and tangible acts of moving forward into what the Lord has for you. I believe it’s very much connected with calling and destiny. What the Lord is moving you forward into is totally related to what you’ve been created and designed for since before the beginning of time.  

I heard “what was sown in tears will be reaped in joy.” It’s harvest time!  (Psalm 126:5-6) The saying “April showers bring May flowers” has been spoken of by others and I couldn’t agree more. Some of those April showers flowed in the form of tears. The ground was watered with your tears and because you pressed in even harder into Him in those difficult places, rather than turning away from Him in anger, you have a beautiful harvest coming and you’re about to bloom. 

I also see those May flowers reflecting God’s glory. Last week, God highlighted a portion of John 17:1 to me, “Father, the time has come. Unveil your glorious splendor of your Son so that I will magnify Your glory!” Fields of flowers are glorious in appearance. I believe they’re pictures of God’s glory all around us. His glory is breathtaking and as the glorious splendor of His Son is reflected in and through us, we magnify God’s glory, just like May’s beautiful flowers.

God has also been continuing to speak to me about His light shining in and through us and how light dispels the darkness. Where light shines, darkness can’t be present. His glory is linked with light. Understanding and revelation are like light shining in areas of darkness where we’ve felt confused or lacked insight and knowledge. God has said to ask Him for wisdom, and He would give it to us (James 1:5). This is a month when God will pour out wisdom in the form of understanding and revelation, but He wants us to ask Him for it.

I believe this is an Isaiah 60 month – a month marked by His glory and His promises fulfilled, including long-awaited provision and healing. Don’t back down on this. You may have felt weary continuing to believe God for answered prayer in these areas but strengthen yourself in the Lord and stand firm on His promises! Do a study on Isaiah 60 and ask the Lord to give you wisdom, revelation, and understanding into it you’ve never had before. What is He personally speaking to you through it?

I hear Jesus resoundingly declaring over each of us, “The time has come! The time has come! The time has come!” This is the transition into our callings and destinies at a higher level than we’ve known before. We’ve allowed the refiner’s fire to consecrate and purify us. He’s made us ready over the last season. The time has come to see His covenant promises fulfilled and manifested in our lives. A friend said this to me recently and I believe it’s for all of us. . . . Remember your past prayers. Remember past prophetic words. Remember His promises to you. Bring each of them before Him and remind Him of those things. Contend for them. The time has come to see them come to pass!

Move FORWARD into all the Lord has for you! What is the first step He’s leading you to take? Listen . . . He’ll speak. Watch . . . He’ll give you direction. 

“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, TPT)

Want company on the journey ahead? Join us for our upcoming 6-week course! Need details? Reach out to us!

Watch for more details and a sign-up link to be posted in our events page this week!

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

What About the ONE?

I think we each have an innate desire to make a difference in the world. There's a longing in our hearts to make our mark, do something significant, have it be on a large scale, and make a name for ourselves. 

It used to be a hope that we'd be remembered for something "great" after we'd left this earth, but now, we want to be known far and wide through social media in the now.

It's no different in the ministry world. The perspective is simply shifted to having a platform that will enable us to reach more people for Jesus. Sometimes that's great; other times, it's still all about self-promotion. I'm not here to judge and won't. I'm simply acknowledging it.

The thing is . . . I'm no different. I want to make a huge difference in the world around me, too. What God has recently been speaking so powerfully to me about is the importance of seeing and reaching the ONE. Yes, multitudes are great. Jesus Himself drew them to Him and spoke to them. Yet, He noticed and stopped for the ONE - the blind man, the Samaritan Woman, the paralyzed man, the woman with the issue of blood, the Centurion . . . In reaching the ONE, He transformed generations - and nations.

I've been a lot more focused on the one because that's what God has been prompting me to do. The added bonus? I've found tremendous freedom in letting go of trying to create something larger myself and instead, leaving that up to God and His plans in partnering with me. 

What's been amazing to witness is the transformation happening in the lives of the "ONE" and how that's being worked out in families. Families means generations and generations shape culture. Reaching the ONE makes history.

I'm asking God to make me more aware of the ONE in front of me. I can get so task-oriented that I miss people more often than I want to admit. I'm thankful each time He opens my eyes.

Need a conversation or prayer together? Please reach out. I'll stop to make time for you. You're ONE who matters!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same


The month of April is an incredibly significant month in several ways, and I feel the weightiness on this month hugely. This month will set the course of the next year, which I’m sensing both prophetically and through some reading, which I’ll explain.

This year, Passover and Easter fall within just days of one another. It’s hard to miss the significance of that timing or the correlated meaning of sacrifice, life, deliverance, and redemption found in these two celebrations. 

This is also the Hebrew month of Nissan, which is the first month of the year according to the Jewish calendar. In the book, “A Time to Advance” by Chuck Pierce, he shares the significance of Nissan. Among other things, Nissan is associated with the tribe of Judah and is a month characterized by repentance, redemption, and miracles. It’s especially important to watch the words you speak during this month because your words will set the course for your future. It’s also a time to ask God for His strategies for aligning with His purposes and plans. 

Just a reminder . . . His plans are never just about you. You have a role to play in establishing heaven on earth, so keep in mind the global influence and impact you have – your words are far more powerful than you realize! You literally set the course of your life through the words you speak (James 3:2-5) and your life, and how you live it, affects countless others.

April is a time to advance, a time to fearlessly run toward the giants we’re facing, remembering the ways God has defeated our enemies in the past and how He’ll do it again with even greater, more far-reaching impact. David first killed the lion and the bear, which affected his personal life, but when he took down Goliath, it impacted his nation and others as the news spread of the enemy’s defeat. This is a month to fearlessly run toward any Goliaths standing before you and be a giant slayer! Your aim will be sure, and your stone will hit its mark! You have more influence in the world than you realize . . . 

The Lord has been strongly talking to me not just about setting a guard over the words we speak, but He’s been highlighting the importance of making decrees and declarations that will literally create our future and mark our history, both individually and globally. He spoke the world into existence. We’re made of His DNA and Jesus told us, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12) If God creates using His words, we do the same with ours. What are our words forming, building, constructing?

The key for this month? 


There are things we’re holding onto that are preventing us from advancing, slaying, creating, and aligning. Something I keep hearing over and over in my spirit and in conversations with Brian is that we aren’t our pasts; we’re our future – who we’re becoming. Steve Backlund shares a couple of related declarations, “I am not who my past says I am; I am who God says I am” and “I get my identity from my future, not my past.” (@IgnitingHope) 

God has declared about us that “old things have passed away” and “all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). If we can’t let go of things from the past – traumas, wounds, mistakes, past relationships, poor decisions made, and so many other things, we can’t freely, confidently, and fearlessly move forward into all the Lord has for us in our coming days. We embrace excuses that justify our lack of forward movement and reason away why things stay the same and . . . we stay stuck where we’ve been.

I get it – I know how valid it can be to lay blame on things in our past. But . . . if we can’t let go of those things, we can’t advance and that’s exactly what the enemy would like for our lives. Don’t give him the satisfaction! Give God the things you’ve been holding onto. He can be trusted with them and with any needed solutions or healing you’ve been longing for and trying to work out yourself. 

I’ve been clearly hearing the Lord releasing and declaring hope to the world. It’s desperately in need of it! We’re called to be hope carriers, hope-bringers, and hope catalysts. Through the words you speak, birth hope in the hearts of all you meet and align your actions with your hope. That alone is going to shift so much in, around, and through you!

So, this month, LET GO of the things holding you back - past, or present. If you need to ask His forgiveness for anything, it’s the perfect time to do that, especially as we celebrate Jesus’ redemption of us all through His death and resurrection. Take steps forward into your future and embrace the hope God is putting before you. Take aim at the giants you’ve been facing who have tried to intimidate you and make you afraid. Remember - like David, God has already given Goliath into your hands, and you already have the victory (I Sam. 17:47)! Align your words with these truths and believe God for miracles for yourself and others. You’re a miracle worker because Jesus lives in you – walk as one!

You’re going to be in awe of the shift that happens this month as you LET GO . . . and advance!

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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