July 2024 Prophetic Word:

The Heat Is On!

As I was heading to bed on June 30th, I asked the Lord, “What are You saying for July?” 

Immediately, I heard, “The heat is on!” and couldn’t help but be transported back to the 80’s as I heard Glen Frye singing the song in my head.

I’ve sat with that statement for a few days and waited for Him to unfold what He was saying through it. When someone says, “the heat is on,” they’re saying they’re under a lot of pressure or juggling a lot of activity in their lives. I saw a multitude of people in that place – feeling the pressure and heat of the moment they’re in.

Glen Frye’s lyrics are pretty interesting to read.

The heat is on
On the street
Inside your head
On every beat

And the beat's so loud
Deep inside
The pressure's high
Just to stay alive
'Cause the heat is on

The heat has been just as much internal as external with thoughts roiling like a pot at full boil. 

Yet, the lyrics spoke again, this time in His voice, saying, “Caught up in the action, I've been looking out for you”. Can you hear Him speaking that over you? Despite how things have looked, He’s been looking out for you.

Glenn goes on to sing:

The shadow's high
On the darker side
Behind the doors
It's a wilder ride

You can make or break
Can win or lose
That's a chance you take
When the heat's on you
When the heat is on

The enemy will try to loom above us, casting dark shadows of doubt, fear, stress, anxiety, anger, disillusionment, discouragement, and more. These thoughts seem to be in a constant repeat loop and as we look in the mirror, we’re faced with this being a make-or-break moment. Will we win or will we lose? It seems like a chance we take, but there’s no chance in it. 

Earlier last week, I heard God say, “I am your dread champion.” I’d heard the phrase before but needed to look up its meaning and search for any related scriptures. This is what I found.

 “But the Lord is with me like a dread champion; therefore, my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will be utterly ashamed, because they have failed, with an everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten.” (Jer. 20:11)

A dread champion is someone, like Goliath, who represents a nation (or a person in our case) in a contest for its fate. God has represented us as our dread champion. 

He’s gone before us (Deut. 20:4 & 31:8), won the battle (Zeph. 3:17, Ps. 60:12, 2 Cor. 2:14), and declared us the victors (1 Cor.15:57). He doesn’t leave things to chance.

God wasn’t done speaking to me about “the heat is on.” Heat can be produced by fire, and fire is refining and purifying. Will we allow the heat we’re experiencing to refine us, drawing us to repentance as He purifies our hearts, thoughts, and motives? Will we allow His holy fire to burn within us, igniting a greater passion for Him, and let His pure love pour out through us so it touches our communities and even our nations?

The heat is on. We know His response to it. How will we respond?

Here's this month's playlist for you to use in your time with Him. It's one of my favorites I've put together so far. Wait until you get to the song by Rita Springer! It's a new fave - I hope it speaks to you as much as it's spoken to us!

Needing prayer or a listening ear during your "hot" season? 
Please reach out. Brian and I would be happy to pray for you!

Living for Him,
Andrea (& Brian)

P.S. If you'd like to sow a seed into the ministry 
Brian and I are doing by "buying us a coffee," 
please click the link below (more information is 
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Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same


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