Tuesday Tidbit: Got Energy?

Tuesday Tidbit: Got Energy?
Hey, friends! We all lead busy lives and need energy to get "all the things" done each day. 
Plus, with the holidays coming soon, we all want to be functioning at optimal levels!

This week, I wanted to share with you my 3 go-to's that I've discovered make all the difference for me in my day. 

WHY are they so awesome? They support the health of my thyroid and adrenals, as well as the B-Vitamin levels in my body, and so much more. 

Each of these contributes to living life well and to the fullest!

SUPER B: It does a body GOOD!!!!

I don't know about you, but my body loves B vitamins! I take a lot of YL's supplements, but this one has always been my favorite because I can noticeably feel the difference it makes in my body!

Super B™ contains all eight B vitamins and bioavailable chelated minerals to help you maintain healthy energy levels, support cardiovascular and cognitive function, and ease feelings of everyday stress.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

Show Your Adrenals Some Love:

It's alarming in our fast-paced world how often I'm hearing people say they have adrenal fatigue and all the symptoms that go with it. Focusing on being proactive in supporting our health is FAR better than being faced with having to react to dis-ease in our bodies!

This roller blend is fantastic for promoting adrenal health! Apply it on your adrenals in the morning and again mid-afternoon if you feel like you need the extra boost in your day. 

Happy Thyroid, Happy YOU!

This roller blend....WOW! 

I had no idea how GOOD I could feel until I started supporting my thyroid health by using this roller combo 2-3 times each day - first thing in the morning, mid-afternoon, and if I felt like I needed it another time or two during the day, especially around the time of my monthly cycle.

Try it and let me know the difference it makes for you!

I've created a wishlist for Endocrine Support and wanted to share it with you. 

Everything mentioned above is in the wishlist. You can choose the products you want from it, build your own list, and can purchase the ones you want over time.

I would LOVE to hear the difference these suggestions make for you! Cheers to feeling GOOD and ENERGIZED!

Got questions, need suggestions, or help with placing an order or reactivating your account? Please reach out!
Happy Oiling!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Tuesday Tidbit: Breathin' Easy

Tuesday Tidbit: Breathin' Easy!
Ragweed is NOT my friend. Need I say more? I've found myself pulling out all my faves for seasonal support lately and thought I might not be alone, so I have some tips and reminders for you this week!

If you've been around the oily world for any amount of time, you already know the LLP trio well!

This is your friendly reminder to use it! 

When you're under pressure . . . 

In my opinion, there's nothing worse than experiencing pain and pressure in your sinuses! Warm compresses are great for helping to alleviate the discomfort, but this combo is my secret weapon!

Find a comfortable spot to sit down. Put a couple of drops of each oil in your palm. (Wash your hands first). Roll 2 cotton swab tips into the mixture then carefully and gently insert a tip into each nostril, staying seated and NOT walking around. You don't want to push too far into your nostril, but just where it's comfortable. Take deep breaths in as you let the swabs stay in your nose for a minute or so, then remove the cotton swabs and throw them away. I find this to be incredibly comforting! Let me know what you think if you do it!

RC isn't YL's only amazing upper respiratory oil option! You can also try Raven (Another HUGE favorite of mine!), Ravintsara, or the very convenient Breathe Again Roll-On. Plus, YL has 3 different Eucalyptus varieties. Each has amazing benefits!

"Legal" Nose Pick

This is a GREAT way to support your immune system, especially when you're going to be where it's people-y!

Exodus II is currently out of stock, but you can just use Egyptian Gold if you don't have Exodus II already. You should see Exodus II come back again soon!

Kids & Adults, Too!

SniffleEase is specially designed with kids in mind, but adults love it, too! 

It also comes in a 5 ml option, which makes it easy to diffuse at bedtime.

Shopping Made Easy
Here's my go-to wishlist with all of my seasonal support favorites in one place. I hope it helps you go easy-breathe-y through the fall season!

Stock up on your favorites and get these wellness essentials for free,
including three of the seasonal-must haves I mentioned!!!

Need help with suggestions? Has your account gone inactive? Need direction navigating the shopping platform? Let me know!

P.S. Want to have the biggest smile spread across your face and joy fill your heart? Watch this quick video made by a 17-year-old volunteer we have at the farm where I volunteer. I dare you not to grin!

Happy Oiling!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Tuesday Tidbit

Tuesday Tibit: Skincare
Recently, I've had more and more people asking me what I use for my skincare. At 53, I'm grateful I have people wanting to know my "secrets"! 

Young Living has a number of PHENOMENAL skincare options. While I've tried several of them since 2014, I've found their ART line to be what works best for me. This week, I'm going to share my tips with you!

I tend to have skin that's drier, so keep that in mind for what I'll be sharing that I use. Scroll down for some additional suggestions for other skin types.


STEP 1: CLEANSE - This cleanser is gentle and effective!

STEP 2: TONE - I love the refreshing, but NOT harsh feel of this toner on my skin!

STEP 3: MOISTURIZE - This has been an essential component of my daily routine. I find I need the extra moisturizing the Intensive provides, but in the past, have used the Light Moisturizer (below) during the day in the hotter, summer months.


STEP 4: ART RENEWAL SERUM - This is an addition I once used as an "occasional luxury," but now make it part of my daily routine. It feels GLORIOUS on my skin and the natural, orchid fragrance is incredible! It's also a wonderful primer under your makeup.

ART COLLECTION: The ART Cleanser, Toner, and Light Moisturizer comes as a collection and gives you additional savings. The Intensive Moisturizer and Serum are purchased separately.
You can learn more about the collection in YL's 2014 blog post . . . 

If you'd like a skincare line developed for brightening the skin, Bloom is where it's at! I tried this line and really liked it, but found ART is still my personal best option. See what you think!

YL has you covered  - literally! Check out this new line launched over the summer!

I've created wishlists for the ART products I use, as well as the Bloom and Balancing lines. In the Balance Wishlist, I added YL's incredible Maximum Strength Acne Treatment Cream, too. Here you go!

Which line is best for YOU??? Let me know what you think!

I diffused this yesterday and it was SO good! Enjoy!

Got questions, need suggestions, or help with placing an order or reactivating your account? Please reach out!
Happy Oiling!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

September Prophetic Word: Breath / Breathe

September 2022: Breath / Breathe
The Lord gave me two, similar words for this month – breath and breathe – a noun and a verb, two ways to look at what the Lord is speaking for September.

This month, it’s time to take a breath – a moment away from the intensity that life has been. It’s a pause to refresh and strengthen weary spirits and souls for what’s ahead. Breath is LIFE to us. It’s time to breathe in life and exhale anything that’s been toxic.

Breathe this month. Many have been holding their breath in anticipation – of good or bad. For some, anxiousness has crept in. Others have been holding their breath in defiance before God, much like a child trying to get their way and prove a point to a seemingly unresponsive parent. There are those who have held their breath to dive deep into God and the things of life and the Lord is saying it’s time to come up for fresh air. 

I believe this is an Ezekiel 37 month – a time when God is asking if the dry bones of things we’ve believed God for can actually have life still breathed into them. So many have been in the midst of the valley and seen nothing that would give them hope – just the dry bones of dreams, promises, and things we thought were going to come to pass. Yet, God is asking, “…Can these bones live?” (vs. 3) 

Breathe in, remember life is found in His breath within us, and dare to hope.

This month, God is inviting us into deeper partnership with Him in bringing life back to dead bones.

Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.” ’ (Ez. 37:4-6)

Breathe in. On the exhale, PROPHESY! Death and life are in the power of your tongue – which will you choose? (Proverbs 18:21) Breathe out LIFE with the words you speak and watch as the bones begin to rattle, come together, and have flesh cover them. But . . . DON’T STOP THERE! 

Breathe in the Breath of God and release it into continued prophecy over the things you had thought were dead.

Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.” ’ ” So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. (Ez. 37:9-10)

What will form out of the bones you prophesy over?

Multiple times in Song of Songs, God calls us His “equal,” but always in the context of being His love, His partner, His Bride. As we breathe this month, it’s in absolute partnership with Him – breathing in the life of God and releasing it to a dying world around us. 

First? Take your own breath in. Let it be life to YOU. Pause for a moment and let it refresh you. Focus on the act of taking a breath in, then releasing it. As you do, you’ll come into sync with the heartbeat and Breath of God. Then you can move forward in partnership with your Bridegroom-King to bring life to dry bones as you breathe!

Here's a great worship song for this month sung by Chris McClarney:

Next Thursday, September 8th, I'm relaunching the "Watchmen & Gatekeepers" online prophetic intercession group that was on summer break. If you'd like to participate in the FB group and Zoom prayer meetings, we pray together on Thursday mornings. Click below if you'd like to join the group.

Brian and I have also said, "YES!" to God's nudging on our hearts to host a "Gathering" in our home, creating a place and a space to gather with others, encounter God together, and come to know Him more fully and intimately in the truth of who He is, rather than who religion has portrayed Him as being.

Have you had a longing in your heart to connect more with God and understand Him better?
Have you wanted to grow in intimacy with Him?
Have you ever longed to hear His voice and enjoy a deep friendship in His presence?
Have you felt disconnected from God because of the "shoulds" and "have tos" of religion and felt like you just couldn't live that life or measure up, but still had a longing for God to be in your life?
Have you wanted to connect with a community of others in pursuit of His heart in a relaxed atmosphere, but haven't found that place yet?

Come to "The Gathering" and encounter Him with us!

Launch Date: Thursday, September 15th
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Canton, GA 

Send us a message for more details and our address. We'd love to have you come to "The Gathering!"

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
P.S. If we can pray for you, please reach out to us.
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Tuesday Tidbit Kickoff!

Tuesday Tidbit
Oh, hello there, friend! It's been a hot minute since we've chatted! 

I felt like it was time to pick back up our weekly emails, but they're going to be different than they were before, starting with them being sent on Tuesdays and renamed "Tuesday Tidbit" rather than "Happy Monday Mail."

One of the biggest changes is that they'll be much more brief and story-focused blog posts. I want to get back to sharing my personal stories with you, rather than pouring out long, educational reads. Those are super informative, but also time consuming for you and for me. Let's go with what's going to work best for both of us, k? 

If you're looking for more education, there are some PHENOMENAL resources out there that I've shared with you in the past. Be sure to download the FREE LifeSteps app on your device and get their notifications. YL sends out GREAT emails and does a fantastic job on their social media outlets, website, YouTube channel, and Joseph Young's "The YL Drop." Click below to check it out!

This Week's Story: Copaiba
I've always called this oil an unsung hero or "sleeper oil" because it seems so unassuming and gentle, that people don't recognize its power.

This is absolutely my go-to oil for joint health and well-being. It supports the body's natural response to inflammation, so I apply it above, behind, and around my knees, as well as on my hands, especially around my thumbs and up my middle finger, which in the past has seemed to get "stuck" in a "trigger finger" type of position.

This is also the oil I turn to in the spring and fall when all the things my sinuses and lungs aren't particularly fond of are in full bloom. I love to layer it over R.C. or Raven. My throat is just as fond of it as my sinuses and lungs, too! Add a drop or two of Copaiba Vitality (same oil, but labeled differently for internal use) into your favorite tea and enjoy its soothing benefits.

It's also nice to add into your nightly bedtime diffuser blend. 

Be sure to log into your Life Steps app. They just so happened to have a write up on Copaiba that's fantastic!

Need to grab a bottle? Click below. 

Need help reactivating your account? Let me know. I'm happy to help!

New Release:
Simplified Fall Collection
Thursday, September 1st
The pre-launch on this new release was CRAZY!!!! 

Be sure to grab yours right away on Thursday!

Item #: 42032
Wholesale Price: $100
PV: 100

There you have it, friends . . . short & simple!

Need a suggestion, recommendation, or help? Just want to reconnect? Please reach out!

Happy Oiling!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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