Tuesday Tidbit
Oh, hello there, friend! It's been a hot minute since we've chatted! 

I felt like it was time to pick back up our weekly emails, but they're going to be different than they were before, starting with them being sent on Tuesdays and renamed "Tuesday Tidbit" rather than "Happy Monday Mail."

One of the biggest changes is that they'll be much more brief and story-focused blog posts. I want to get back to sharing my personal stories with you, rather than pouring out long, educational reads. Those are super informative, but also time consuming for you and for me. Let's go with what's going to work best for both of us, k? 

If you're looking for more education, there are some PHENOMENAL resources out there that I've shared with you in the past. Be sure to download the FREE LifeSteps app on your device and get their notifications. YL sends out GREAT emails and does a fantastic job on their social media outlets, website, YouTube channel, and Joseph Young's "The YL Drop." Click below to check it out!

This Week's Story: Copaiba
I've always called this oil an unsung hero or "sleeper oil" because it seems so unassuming and gentle, that people don't recognize its power.

This is absolutely my go-to oil for joint health and well-being. It supports the body's natural response to inflammation, so I apply it above, behind, and around my knees, as well as on my hands, especially around my thumbs and up my middle finger, which in the past has seemed to get "stuck" in a "trigger finger" type of position.

This is also the oil I turn to in the spring and fall when all the things my sinuses and lungs aren't particularly fond of are in full bloom. I love to layer it over R.C. or Raven. My throat is just as fond of it as my sinuses and lungs, too! Add a drop or two of Copaiba Vitality (same oil, but labeled differently for internal use) into your favorite tea and enjoy its soothing benefits.

It's also nice to add into your nightly bedtime diffuser blend. 

Be sure to log into your Life Steps app. They just so happened to have a write up on Copaiba that's fantastic!

Need to grab a bottle? Click below. 

Need help reactivating your account? Let me know. I'm happy to help!

New Release:
Simplified Fall Collection
Thursday, September 1st
The pre-launch on this new release was CRAZY!!!! 

Be sure to grab yours right away on Thursday!

Item #: 42032
Wholesale Price: $100
PV: 100

There you have it, friends . . . short & simple!

Need a suggestion, recommendation, or help? Just want to reconnect? Please reach out!

Happy Oiling!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same


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