We do the same in every aspect of life. We all view any number of things through filters. What veils our eyes may be the result of past experiences, teaching we’ve had, the homes in which we grew up, the friends we’ve surrounded ourselves with, culture, media, those who have been in positions of leadership or authority in our lives, or any number of other things.
It’s the same with our perception of Jesus.
We “know” Jesus through the filters of religion, through what we’ve been taught by our parents and church leaders, by how we see Christians act and how they treat others, by what unbelievers say and believe about Him, by the disappointments we’ve faced, and the suffering we've seen. Not only that, culture, media, politics, and so many other things in the world around us shape our “truth”.

That time has come.
God is unveiling the truth of who Jesus really is and who He’s not. He longs to remove the filters from before our eyes so we can finally see Him clearly and experience deep, intimate friendship with Him.
Sometimes, you simply need someone to help you lift the veil or remove the filter you've been using, allowing you to clearly see what's been right before you.
Jesus is all about relationship, not religion. Come encounter Him.

6 Week Online Course, May 12th – June 16th
Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. EST – FB Live* (Recorded so you can still catch it even if you can’t make the live.)
Thursday Night Topics: Relationship, Not Religion; Made to Worship; Communion & Communing; Chatting with the King; When Life Gets Real; “Swept Off Your Feet”
Plus, “Coffee & Conversation” – Tuesday mornings 8:00 a.m. EST (Join us on FB* with your cup of coffee or tea in hand as we have a chat about that morning's topic. These are bonus sessions that will also be recorded.)
Coffee & Conversation Topics: Hope, the Prophetic, the Supernatural Aspects of God & Heaven, Decreeing & Declaring, Being the Church, Live Q & A
Cost: $150 (payable via Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, or check)
Those who seek Him find Him…
Chase after His heart.
Know Him in truth…and be known in love.
Register to be added to the group.
*Not on FaceBook? Ask us about other options.

Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same