The word God gave me for September is “adjust,” which I found to be really interesting to have come on the heels of August’s word of “shift.” I saw a wrench and bolts being adjusted and tightened for strengthening. There are several things God has been speaking to me about this.
It’s important this month we ask God, “What do You want to adjust in our lives and how do You want us to partner with you in making those adjustments?” I believe part of it also relates to asking the Lord to reveal anything that hasn’t been completed or anything that’s been missed in being done. It’s a time to organize, get rid of the things that aren’t needed, and make space for what the Lord wants to add into your life. This is meant for both the natural and the spiritual aspects of our lives.
What spaces in your home, office, car, garage and attic need to be cleaned out? What are you hanging onto you don’t need to have taking up space? What can be better organized so when it is, you discover you have more room and can more easily find what’s in those spaces? How can you maximize what you have and who could be blessed by you letting go of what you don’t need? What simply needs to be thrown out? Make space. You’re going to need it.
Take a personal inventory. What isn’t serving you well that you need to let go of this month and not pick back up? How are you spending your time and maximizing it for what He’s called you to use it for, including rest, and where is there wasted “space” in your life? What adjustments, if any, are needed in your personal relationships?
What have you left undone that the Lord is nudging you to go back and finish or wrap up? Is there work you need to complete or is closure needed in some way? This could range anywhere from a project to an offense in your heart you haven’t addressed. What work still needs to be done and how does the Lord want to partner with you in wrapping up any loose ends, making sure everything is secured for this season?
I keep seeing “completion” woven throughout so much of what God has been speaking to me. I believe in the completing of things, God is bringing order. In the process, He’s positioning us to be better able to rule and reign in the areas of influence He’s called us to administrate in our lives. We’re in a season of kingdom completion and order that’s bringing us into a place of kingdom upgrade and governmental rule. That’s not specifically related to political rule but doesn’t exclude it either. God calls us to govern areas of influence in our lives and administrate governmental order around us. Completion and order are keys to ruling effectively. This is so needed during these chaotic times. We’re called to be a voice of order silencing the enemy’s voice of confusion and commotion.
It’s a time to ask Jesus to reveal if there’s anything you’ve missed for successfully moving forward in this season. Are there any connections needing to be made in your life so His Spirit can better flow, His harvest can come, His ministry can happen, and strongholds can be broken in your life and the lives of those around you?
I really believe all of this is incredibly necessary for the harvest the Lord is about to pour out. We need these adjustments made so our foundation is strong and able to stand in the coming days.
I saw a progression from shift ---> adjust ---> complete. How is the Lord inviting you to walk this out this month?
I know there were a ton of questions within this word, but it’s an invitation from Jesus to engage Him in conversation and allow Him to really personalize this word for you.
Need prayer? Got questions about Jesus? Reach out! We’re here for you!
Side Notes: Brian and I are launching a 6-week course on “Developing Intimacy with God” beginning September 23rd. Click here for more information and to register. We’d love for you to join us!
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