Hello, friend! You may be someone who joined our mailing list more for wellness or more for faith. Because we focus on spirit, soul, & body, one email we send out at the start of each month will have mainly a wellness perspective, but it will also include our monthly worship gathering dates, as well as any recent faith posts.
--> All of our contacts have now been sorted, so if you'd like to be certain to get either the faith or the wellness emails, please reply back to let us know.
--> If you discover you've been placed in a category you'd rather not receive emails for, instead of clicking unsubscribe, send us a message and we'll categorize you differently so you're sure to get the communications you'd like to receive.
Onto all the August news!!! This month has SO much to celebrate, including the B.E.S.T. gifts with purchase!!! Oh, my word! Wait until you see all you can get for FREE this month!
There's even a special guide you can get that gives you tons of ways to use each of the gifts, including great recipes and MORE!

The great news continues!
K & B is back in stock, there are some fun events coming up, and you KNOW I always include special recipes and a diffusing calendar that covers every day of the month in the first of the month newsletter!
Scroll to catch it all!

I'm seriously astounded at the gifts with purchase YL is offering this month! WOW is all I have to say! A Desert Mist diffuser? Lushious Lemon EO? Alllll the Thieves products?! YES, PLEASE!
Click below to read more about each product + get recipes and more!

K&B (Item No. 3262) is BACK AGAIN with a limit of 1 and will be available for subscription only.
WHY do you want to add this to your order while you can? Let me explain . . .
K & B is formulated to nutritionally support normal kidney and bladder health. It contains extracts of juniper berries, which enhance the body's efforts to maintain proper fluid balance; parsley, which supports kidney and bladder function and aids overall urinary health; and urva ursi, which supports both urinary and digestive system health. K & B is enhanced with therapeutic grade essential oils.
Take 3 half droppers (3 ml) three times daily in distilled water, or as needed. Shake well before using.

Our wildly popular "Live & Unscripted" event, along with our "Pursuit" worship events, fill the month with FUN! If you're looking for YL business support, there are tons of additional options available. Reach out to me to learn more!

Are you an essential oil lover? Got a penchant for living life WELL?
Join us THIS Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. EST for our wildly popular Live & Unscripted event!
This isn't your average boring Zoom call! You have the freedom to talk with us about what's important to YOU and we get to answer your questions as if we're sitting together having a favorite cuppa whatever we choose! We laugh, sometimes we even cry, as we help each other through all sorts of . . . well . . . life. And we always, always learn something new!
Take a chance and join us for the first time - we regulars would love to see your face! Register to receive the Zoom link and password.

As The Renovated Life, we focus on spirit, soul, and body.
Young Living undergirds our focus on overall health & wellness for our bodies. But . . . that's not our only focus because we want to help meet the needs of the WHOLE person, which includes spirit and soul well-being, too!
If you live in the Atlanta area, Brian and I would love for you to join us at any of our upcoming worship gatherings in our home, plus keep an eye out for our faith-related blog posts that we sprinkle in with our wellness education.
Our worship gatherings are happening on August 7th & 21st this month. We have a potluck dinner first, then follow with worship. Register below to learn more and get additional information.
--> Plus, keep your eyes open for the August prophetic word Andrea will be posting Tuesday.

Sometimes, you just don't want to have to think about what to diffuse. Or maybe, you have oils you're not using, but don't know what to combine them with in your diffuser. Check out these combos for some fresh, new ideas!

With all of the wonderful Thieves gifts with purchase this month, I had to share a favorite recipe using Thieves Household Cleaner, Thieves Laundry Soap, and Lemon Essential Oil. Try it out and see how well it works!

Before signing off, I wanted to ask how it's going for you as you use the new shopping platform? Do you have questions? Need help navigating? Please reach out! I'm happy to help!
Remember, there are lots of tutorials throughout the site, plus I created a guide to help answer the most commonly asked questions. If you still need help, I'm here for you!

If you have children or grandchildren starting school this month, Brian and I pray that this is an incredible year for them! They are today's cultural architects and revivalists!
If you're a teacher, thank you for your hard work, dedication, and all the sacrifices you make on a daily basis to not only educate your students but love them well as you equip them for their futures and callings! You are AMAZING and SO appreciated!
Last week's email had back-to-school tips, recipes, and ideas. If you missed it and you'd like additional, Back-to-School wellness and learning tips, please let me know. I'd be happy to send more information to you!
That's it for this month! Please reach out if we can help you on your wellness journey!
Happy Oiling,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same