The Power of a Blessing

The Power of a Blessing
The act of blessing has been on my heart recently – specifically, blessing others with my words, especially my husband, children and friends (but strangers aren’t exempt). It’s something I’ve been aware of, but recently it’s been as if God has been placing His finger on its importance.
Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” The Message translation states it even more clearly, “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.” Yikes! I think I’ll choose life, thank you very much!
We’re certain to send our kids to school with a good breakfast and lunch, kisses and hugs, maybe a prayer, but do we intentionally BLESS them? When we kiss our spouse on the way out the door, do we help shape their day by the words we speak over them?
I remember a time when my middle son came to give me a hug before leaving for his day’s classes at KSU, I asked if he’d gotten the laundry folded that he’d promised he’d do and when he said he hadn’t, I launched into a mini discussion about fulfilling household responsibilities. That intended sweet goodbye initiated by my son became a huffy and swift departure. I don’t blame him!
It was in that moment that the Holy Spirit gently reminded me that I had just set the course for my son’s day with my words.
Words have tremendous power – much more than we often realize. Think back to a cutting remark made in high school or a critical word spoken to you by a parent and how that shaped you into adulthood. Then, think of a time when someone said exactly what you needed to hear, even if you hadn’t realized you’d needed to hear it – how it encouraged you, made the impossible seem possible, helped you to believe in yourself far more than you previously had.
“Winsome words spoken at just the right time are as appealing as apples gilded in gold and surrounded with silver.” (Prov. 25:11, TPT)
The Bible has a lot to say about the power of the tongue and the words that we speak. Think of it - all of creation was formed through the spoken word. That should give us an indication of the weight our words hold in the world around us, especially in the lives of those we love, as well as our own. Through our spoken words, we have the ability to CREATE. It doesn’t mean that we won’t face challenges, but through our words we can determine whether those challenges are going to result in victory or defeat.
In my mind, it all boils down to blessing – ourselves and others. In doing that, we set the atmosphere and determine the course of our day; not only ours, but our spouses, kids, and those we love. So much has been written about the effects of negative self-talk and how we can transform our lives by changing the way we speak and think. “…Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Matt. 12:34b, NKJV) Our thoughts shape our words. Sometimes we can’t bless because we can’t think of anything good in the midst of our circumstances and relationships.
So, how do we bless? Look at the definition of blessing for some clues. A blessing is God’s favor and protection. It’s a thing conducive to happiness and welfare. What do you want to shape and form that’s good? Declare that. 
It can be something as simple as, “You are loved and I’m so thankful for you. I think you’re amazing! Today is an awesome day marked by success!” 
You can also use God’s words by speaking and praying blessings and promises from the Bible. Not sure where to begin? Search online for words of blessing found in the Bible, then turn them into prayers and prophetic declarations as you speak them out over yourself and others. I often pray over my family that they’re “well favored by God and by man” (1) and that they “have the mind of Christ and can do all things through Christ who strengthens them.” (2)  I thank God that He surrounds each of them with His angels to “protect and uplift them so that they don’t even strike their foot against a stone” (3) and I declare that the plans that God has for them are “for good and not for evil, for a future and a hope.” (4)
This morning, I sent this as a text to my husband, “I bless you in all that you do and in the work of your hands and I decree success over you. I love you! Your angels go with you and work on your behalf and protect you! Your God fights for you. He chose YOU!” That was very different than my son’s send off! 
Our Old Testament forefathers understood the power of a blessing and how it was a prophetic declaration spoken over generations to come. Look at the blessings spoken over their children by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and how devastated Esau was to realize that the blessing that was to be his had been stolen by his younger brother. Blessings are important – not only at the end of a person’s life, but every day. 
There are so many times throughout our day that we can bless others and ourselves, beginning with words of gratitude. The small and simple things can transform a marriage and the atmosphere in a family. Noticing when something has been done and thanking them for it – even if it’s for taking the garbage out, letting them know that they’re appreciated, are words of blessing. Don’t wait for them to do it. Let it begin with you and see the difference that it makes.
What would it look like for you to dedicate 21 days to intentionally blessing your spouse, your kids, your friends, yourself??? What could happen if you did?
“May He give you the desire of your heart and make your plans succeed.” (Ps. 20:4)
1. Prov. 3:4
2. I Cor. 2:16 & Phil. 4:13
3. Ps. 91:12
4. Jer. 29:11

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Happy Monday & Happy May!

Happy May!
I can hardly believe it's already May! Summer will be here before we know it, but first, we get to celebrate all the beautiful mothers in our lives with Mother’s Day happening in just a few days!

“A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” 
~ Cardinal Mermillod

I have some great tips & recipes to share with you to help you make Mother’s Day ~ and the gorgeous spring season ~ the best they can be! You'll want to star or flag this message so you can refer back to it all month long! 

Inside, you’ll also hear all about…

  • Important Announcements
  • Upcoming Events
  • Special Promotion on the stunning Lucia & Lustre diffusers and more!
  • Plus, May's Gifts With Purchase
Let's start things off with some garden-inspired diffuser blends!

So much more fun awaits! 
Keep Scrolling . . .


Young Living has some exciting changes coming to the US this year, let’s take a look at what you can expect to see… 

  • New YL terms like Customer & Brand Partner
  • Improved website & shopping experience 
  • Updated enrollment process 
  • Refreshed Loyalty Rewards program
  • Flexible subscription options
  • Improved compensation plan

For all the details, check out this easy-to-read-through SWAY by clicking the link:


Celebrate Mother Nature and the nurturers you cherish most with these special offers. These value-packed bundles - with the addition of two gorgeous handcrafted diffusers at 25% off - make it easy to share your love of Young Living!

These limited-time Mother’s Day offers are available from May 1 at 12 midnight, MT, until May 31 at 11:59 p.m., MT, while supplies last. Use these bundles and this unique diffuser sale to enroll new members, send a gift to a loved one, or treat yourself to Mother Nature-approved premium products.

UPCOMING EVENTS AND CLASSESDuring the Discover YL event, you’ll learn the roots of Young Living’s Seed to Seal® story and unearth the difference quality products make. You’ll take a virtual tour of the Finca Botanica Farm and Distillery in Guayaquil, Ecuador; hear from inspiring speakers; and attend clean-living workshops to help you on your journey. Join us Saturday, May 22, from 9–11 a.m., MT, for an event about cultivating a clean lifestyle with the power of pure essential oils. For more details and to register for this event, CLICK BELOW: 


Have you registered for our Virtual International Grand Convention yet? You need to by June 1, 2021. Don’t wait! 

 Although restrictions once again prevent us from gathering in person, YL’s far-reaching global platform makes it possible to connect with hundreds of thousands for our second official VIGC taking place June 16–19, 2021. For more info and to register, CLICK BELOW: 

Are you an essential oil lover? Got a penchant for living life WELL?

Join us the first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 p.m. EST for our wildly popular Live & Unscripted event! This isn't your average boring Zoom call! You have the freedom to talk with us about what's important to YOU and we get to answer your questions as if we're sitting together having a favorite cuppa whatever we choose!  

We laugh, sometimes we even cry, as we help each other through all sorts of . . . well . . . life. And we always, always learn something new! Take a chance and join us for the first time - we regulars would love to see your face!

Register to receive the Zoom link and password. 

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the outdoors, and it's even sweeter when you invite friends to join in the fun! On this FREE webinar, you’ll discover cool summer secrets for your next event and your summer adventures using Young Living products.

IMAGINE, enhancing your summer experiences while loving on your Digestive, Immune, Respiratory, Hormonal, Cardiovascular and Nervous Systems as well as promoting Healthy Skin . . . all at the same time!

Recipes and instructions for carefree and healthy entertaining will be provided to all participants. Register for the login information and join in the fun!

May's gifts with purchase will have you conquering the world and grabbing hold of those dreams in your heart! 

You can learn more about each of these amazing oils and WHY they're so special by clicking below!


WOW!!! There are so many great things for us this month and beyond! 
If you have any questions, need any help, or would like suggestions on ways you can work toward your health and wellness goals, please reach out! In the meantime, Happy Oiling!  
P.S. This is a brand new way for us to share our newsletters and blogs. If any links are broken, please forgive us and let us know. We're so excited to be taking this to the next level as we journey together! We'd love for you to check out our updated website and come back often as we continue to grow and add even more!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

May Gifts With Purchase

May's Motivation Is Here With GREAT Gifts with Purchase!
Spring is so motivating to me! The idea of fresh starts, new goals, big dreams, and all of them growing as this season unfolds . . . I love it! These promos are perfect for all of us, no matter what season in life we're in - for our goals,  our family, anything we're going to do. These will help us flourish during this season! Let me fill you in . . . .

Here's the full breakdown of the US May 2021 Gift With Purchase:
100 PV
Free Shipping

190 PV
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping

250 PV
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping

300 PV
Highest Potential 5-ml
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping

400 PV
Motivation 5-ml*
Highest Potential 5-ml
Valor 5-ml
Acceptance 5-ml
Envision 5-ml*
Free shipping

*Remember, in order to get the Rewards Exclusive Envision 5-ml and Motivation 5-ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential (Loyalty) Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items. The extra bonus of meeting all these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!

Motivation 5-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 400 PV tier)
We all need a little help getting or staying motivated and this blend is the kick in the metaphorical pants we need to get moving and get to the business of hitting our goals. Floral and woodsy, this is a grounding, centering, get you ready to tackle everything in your way blend. For a bit more mood control and uplifting, bright scent, pair it with Orange in the diffuser! My go-to "work blend" is pairing Motivation with Clarity. I can conquer the world with that duo in the diffuser!
NOTE: This is a special, Essential Rewards EXCLUSIVE oil! So, stock up on your monthly items - get some NingXia, Thieves, supplements, and all the things you love. When you do, you'll get this free bottle of liquid gold motivation with your order!
• Climb every mountain. Whether your bucket list has metaphorical mountains or real ones, dab a drop of Motivation behind your ears at the start of any endeavor, big or small.
• Take note. Keep track of when you procrastinate—in the afternoon, as the weekend draws near, when you’re intimidated by a task—and diffuse this sidekick scent while you cross off your next steps.

Highest Potential 5-ml (300 PV tier)
You're going to see how all of these oils in May's Gift WithPurchase work so well together, you'll wonder why you haven't had each of them in your oil routine already! Highest Potential will help you break through a lot of the barriers in your mind that are holding you back from what you can really do and be. This is inspiration to the max!
• Soar to new heights. No matter where you dare to dream, take Highest Potential with you. Add an AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment so you can swipe it on whenever you need inspiration.
• Keep on keepin’ on. Infuse your daily body moisturizer with the floral scent of Highest Potential as you continue to reach for the stars.

Valor 5-ml (250 PV tier) - In my opinion...this is the world's BEST oil!!!
Chasing your goals takes courage, and if there's one blend we know helps with that, it's Valor. Courage in a bottle. It calms the mind and body, encourages the soul, and simultaneously centers and uplifts you to the point where you know you can do what you need to do. Courage. Confidence. You'll be ready to take life by storm!
• Put the “you” in unique. As you’re crafting your personal brand, wear fresh, woodsy Valor as a personal cologne or perfume to remind yourself of how capable you are.
• Keep up your courage. At the end of a long day of giving your all, add Valor to Young Living’s Bath and Shower Gel Base as you brainstorm new ideas for tomorrow.

Acceptance 5-ml (190 PV tier)
When we accept all aspects of life - that things happen that are out of our control or not always exactly ideal, it's much easier to not get stuck. Acceptance helps you accept the things you cannot change and be ready to make your plan to keep moving forward.
• Take the highs with the lows. Add a drop of this blend to a washcloth, place it right outside the stream of water as you shower, and let this inviting aroma inspire feelings of acceptance.
• Work hard, play hard. Work isn’t everything. Diffuse the bouquet-like scent of Acceptance, then take a break and rush outside to enjoy the sunlight.

Envision 5-ml (Bonus Essential Rewards 190 PV tier)
This is the one you'll want to start with. When you're making your plan and you're working out all the details. Diffuse Envision and see all of the incredible possibilities in front of you! Everything you want and need is there waiting for you. Clear your mind and envision the future YOU want to have!
• Make scents of your to-dos. Write out each task required to accomplish your goals. Place a drop of Envision at the top of the page to breathe in every time you review your next steps.
• Dream big. Add Envision to a cotton ball and place it in your car vent so any time you inhale this scent, you’ll visualize your dreams coming true.

Free Shipping (100 PV tier)
Free is always a good price to go with goal planning and world domination. It never hurts to save a little money!
• Ship, ship, hooray! Reach our 100 PV tier and we’ll ship your order for free.
• Dream project step one: Get Young Living products shipped. Oh wait, we’ve got you covered— for free!

What's one goal you know you need to make a plan for and which of these oils are you most excited to use to help you get there?

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

2021 YL Spring Launch News!

2021 YL Spring Launch News!
Who else is SUPER EXCITED about all this Spring Launch goodness?! Check it out!
First, here are two fantastic resources:

Finally! Plant-based, sanitizing wipes infused with the power of Thieves and Peppermint and they're safe for the whole family! This is timely and so easy to keep on you all the time.
• kills 99.99 percent of germs and bacteria
• plant-based formula with antioxidants, green tea and gingko is safe for all ages
• 100 percent biodegradable wipe material is chlorine-free and made with 100 percent natural fibers derived from sustainably sourced wood
• infused with Young Living’s Thieves signature essential oil blend and Peppermint essential oil for a sweet, spicy aroma
• formulated free of petrochemicals, mineral oil, parabens, sulfates, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, dyes, preservatives, or toxic ingredients
Item #: 30632
Price: $15
PV: 15
Permanent item
Shop Only, available on Loyalty Rewards May 1st
No Limit

I want it. I want it right now! The Ember diffuser is a dark terracotta charcoal with a rubberwood base, and comes with the brand new Ecuadorian Lemongrass!
Ember Diffuser
• Runs for 3.5 hours continuously or 7 hours intermittent!
• The Ember Diffuser offers eight individual light settings with multiple colors. The lights can also run independently from diffuser modes or be turned off while diffusing.
• Created with sustainability in mind, the rubberwood base is cultivated in Thailand from Pará rubber trees. Part of what makes these particular trees so sustainable is that they are harvested only after being tapped for rubber production for 20-25 years. Once the trees have fully matured and the rubber is dried up, they are then used to create high-quality hardwood products—most commonly furniture and home goods like the Ember Diffuser. Once the trees are harvested, new rubber trees are planted in their place, continuing the cycle.
Ecuadorian Lemongrass 15-ml
You already love Lemongrass, but this one is from Young Living’s Finca Botanica Farm and Distillery in Guayaquil, Ecuador! It has a very cleansing aroma and is great in so many diffuser blends. Got some stinky boots or shoes laying around or some damp areas in your home that need freshening? A couple drops of Ecuadorian Lemongrass will freshen it right up. It's also really nice for a post-workout massage with a little carrier oil!
Item #: 37796
Price: $73
PV: 43.75
Limited time only
1 per account

What Is CBD?
"CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound from the cannabis plant. It's a naturally occurring substance that's used in products like oils, to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm."
We could go on and on talking about what CBD is, how it works, and so on, but we've talked about this before. However, if you want to learn more, the Nature's Ultra website is so good for that! Check it out and explore all the content:
Add this PLAIN CBD OIL BASE to the already amazing Nature's Ultra CBD lineup we have and enjoy!! CBD and essential oils work so well together and having this option to create your own Smart Spectrum blend is going to be invaluable for so many people.
• CBD Oil Base contains cannabidiol (CBD) and MCT coconut oil - that’s it!
• Contains 0.0 percent THC
• Comes with either a lavender or peppermint oil!

CBD Chill Bundle
Item #: 35623
Price: $49.95
PV: 49.95
Limited time only
1 per account
• CBD Oil Base
• Lavender 5-ml

CBD Pep Bundle
Item #: 35622
Price: $49.95
PV: 49.95
Limited time only
1 per account
• CBD Oil Base
• Peppermint 5-ml

The wildly popular CBD Muscle Rub tins, great for on the go, or giving as samples, are back and now a permanent product! These are ahh-mazing!
Item #: 36159
Price: $84.95
PV: 42.48
Permanent item
Shop only, available on Loyalty Rewards May 1st
No Limit

This set has all your fave Thieves products, plus the new Hand Sanitizing Wipes, and some gorgeous matte dispensers and cleaning brushes!
The Squeaky Clean Collection includes:
• Thieves Dish Soap, 16 oz
• Thieves Foaming Hand Soap refill, 32 oz
• Thieves Hand-Sanitizing Wipes, 30 ct.
• Thieves Household Cleaner, 14 oz
• Cleaning brushes (one handle with three interchangeable brush heads)
• Thieves Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser
• Thieves Dish Soap Dispenser
Item #: 36487
Price: $140
PV: 85.40
Limited time only
1 per account

The perfect companions for your little one to have in their backpacks as they head to school. A 5-ml bottle of KidScents GeneYus and a 1 oz. Thieves Hand Sanitizer with adorable silicone owl sleeves for both. Put a roller ball on the GeneYus or show them how to use a diffuser necklace or bracelet to get the most out of this brain boosting focus oil!
Item #: 36438
Price: $65
PV: 47
Limited time only
1 per account

Spring cleaning plus musty, damp messes from all the spring rain will have you reaching for this Fresh Space Collection every single day. It comes with two charcoal balls and one silicon sleeve to let you drop your oils onto them and have any space smelling and feeling so fresh and so clean! I love what Annie Hauser had to write about Purification and Lemon. Such good reminders!
"What else can you use Purification for? This blend is made up of six essential oils for the ultimate weapon against odors. Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree work together to create a refreshing, bright scent!
• Dilute a bit with lavender and rub around (never in) your ears to help keep them healthy, and around your eyes (follow the bones, like you are wearing glasses) if you need some non-pink support there too!
• Add a few drops to laundry to give your wash a great-smelling boost.
• Place a few drops on cotton balls and stash them wherever necessary: the car, closets and drawers, air vents, or shoes.
• Use in the car with a USB Diffuser to eliminate lingering scents of fast food trips or the soccer carpool.
• Refresh linens with a spritz of Purification, diluted with distilled water.
• Create an on-the-go air freshener with a spray bottle, distilled water, and Purification. Keep it in your bag to freshen up offices, public restrooms, hotel rooms, and cars.
• Emotional Uses: Anger, being alone, fear of rejection, fear of seeing, negative thoughts, recognition, violence.
How about Lemon? It contains the naturally occurring constituent, Limonene. Google it!
Clarity | We love to diffuse lemon - it’s so uplifting.
Sip | A few drops of Lemon Vitality are delicious in a glass of water, and naturally detoxifying.
Laundry | Try a few drops in your washing machine to brighten and refresh your clothes
Cleaning | use 1 drop to remove crayons, gum, stickers, or grease from surfaces!"
Item #: 36428
Price: $55
PV: 34
Limited time only
1 per account
• Two charcoal balls
• One silicone sleeve
• Purification 15-ml
• Lemon 15-ml

**BLUE YARROW 5-ml**
Blue Yarrow is calming and balancing and amazing for those quiet moments, meditation, and yoga. It's slightly sweet and earthy and will help you calm right down. If you look up the benefits of blue yarrow you'll find a lot of great things, but Blue Yarrow is one of the oils used in Dragon Time and Mister, so you know it's going to be good for emotional balance while dealing with hormonal issues and also for comfort for small cramps! This is limited time so you're going to want to get your hands on this and all the limited time oils that are part of the Spring Launch!
Item #: 35893
Price: $99.75
PV: 99.75
Limited Time only
2 per account

**RUE 5-ml**
Rue is a very special and powerful oil. It's only found in a few of Young Living's blends, but seeing which ones they are gives you an idea of just a few of the things you can use it for:
AromaSleep, Freedom, and T.R. Care (from the Freedom Sleep and Release Collections Bundle)
Common Sense
RutaVaLa (it's the Ruta)
To say the least, it's calming. A relaxing, comforting massage might be in order, and I've heard it pairs well with Lemon and Tangerine in the diffuser! Do yourself a favor and search up what this one can do for you! Again, this is only here for a limited time, so snag it while you can!
Item #: 35928
Price: $62
PV: 62
Limited Time only
2 per account

Have you been trying to recreate Light The Fire blend but have been missing this one ingredient? Now's your time to get it while it's here! IT's good for positive energy, healthy-looking skin, cleaning around the house, and keeping muscles happy and soothed when combined with a carrier oil!
Item #: 35897
Price: $43.25
PV: 43.25
Limited Time only
2 per account

The perfect companions for your little one to have in their backpacks as they head to school. A 5-ml bottle of KidScents GeneYus and a 1 oz. Thieves Hand Sanitizer with adorable silicone owl sleeves for both. Put a roller ball on the GeneYus or show them how to use a diffuser necklace or bracelet to get the most out of this brain-boosting focus oil!
"Show off gorgeous, glowing skin with a no-makeup makeup look courtesy of Corsican Helichrysum. Extracted from a rare Mediterranean variety of helichrysum, this unique oil contains the powerful constituents nerylacetate and italicene to help you put your best face forward—naturally. Add 1–2 drops to your facial cleanser to naturally cleanse skin or combine it with Frankincense or Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood to pack in more skincare power."
Item #: 35887
Price: $112
PV: 112
Limited Time only
2 per account

**CASSIA 15-ml**
Cassia was available recently and we all loved it so much they just had to bring it back! It's only here for a little while so grab it while you can and put it in the diffuser with some of that Vanilla you recently got! Cassia is such a great cleansing oil that you would be doing yourself a favor to add a drop or two to your Thieves Household Cleaner!
Item #: 33499
Price: $23.75
PV: 23.75
Limited Time only
2 per account

**Thieves Hand Sanitizer 2oz - NEW size!!**
The same Thieves Hand Sanitizer we already know and love in a brand new size! Perfect for the car, your purse, or anywhere you want to have the sanitizing power of Thieves nearby! Grab it while you can!
Item #: 33649
Price: $9.75
PV: 9.75
Limited Time only
Shop only, available on Loyalty Rewards May 1st
No Limit
What are you most excited about and getting in your order? A new diffuser? New CBD? Oils we haven't seen in a long time...Thieves Sanitizing Wipes...Amazing bundles? What are you grabbing? (Don't be surprised if you wait in a queue when you log into your Virtual Office to place your order. Totally normal!)

If you have any questions or need help in any way, please reach out!

Happy Oiling and Happy Shopping!
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Drip Gotcha Down?

Ever try getting just one drop of thicker oils out of the bottle and it's just...not...coming…out? Or with thinner oils, you try getting just ONE drop out, and instead, you get three or four?  This trick is super handy! 

That big hole in the center of the orifice reducer is actually for the air to go INTO the bottle. There's a TINY pinhole in the crevice where the oil comes OUT. 

Move the little dot down to get more drops or up to get less drops from your bottle. With thicker oils, point the drop side down. With thin oils point it up.  


Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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