Happy Mother's Day!
To all the women who have loved me with a mother's heart as I've grown up (and still am growing), thank you! You've loved me well and helped me to love others well. A special thanks goes out to my stepmom, sister, and mother-in-law. Thank you for your love, your sacrifices, and your belief in me!
I've been so blessed to have so many women come alongside me and nurture my heart as only a mother can, reflecting the mother-heart of God in my life, bringing healing to my wounded heart and soul. I'm truly blessed and so very grateful!
I know what it's like to have a biological mother who was unable to mother due to mental illness and addiction. To those who haven't experienced the true love of a mother, you are seen and known and loved. Let God heal the wounds of your heart, fill that empty place, and bring freedom to your soul.
I'm SO thankful to have four incredible children whom I adore, along with a daughter-in-law and son-in-law who are each amazing! I know what it's like to experience motherhood and have your arms full of destiny and I couldn't be more grateful for that.
Yet . . . I know what it's like to suffer loss through miscarriage, having two more babies waiting for me in heaven. I see you, momma, who has suffered devasting loss. My heart and my prayers are with you. I love you. My heart aches with yours and I know that only He can heal it. You're not alone. Reach out to me if you want to chat and pray. I'm here.
To those who have longed for a child to hold and love and haven't yet had that dream fulfilled, I love you, I'm praying with you and for you, and asking God to comfort your heart today. There are also so many who need your mother's touch in their lives! Don't discount the mother impact you're having in the lives of those around you. You're creating a legacy!
To those who are remembering this day while celebrating their momma in heaven, I pray you would sense God's comfort and love in a powerful way today. You are not alone and you are not abandoned.
To all those first-time mommas out there - Happy Mother's Day! Treasure every second - it really does go by SO fast!!!
Happy Mother's Day far and wide! Mothers are superheroes. I'm convinced of it. And we women all have that superhero within us, whether we've given birth yet or not. Live it out loud - the world needs superheroes! Love you!!!!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same