Here are a few tips for staying healthy this school year. Having a fractured wrist necessitated a vlog for this post!
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Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

An article in News In Health (NIH) states, "When you learn something new, the best way to remember it is to sleep on it. That’s because sleeping helps strengthen memories you’ve formed throughout the day. It also helps to link new memories to earlier ones...'We’ve learned that sleep before learning helps prepare your brain for initial formation of memories,' says Dr. Matthew Walker, a sleep scientist at the University of California, Berkeley. 'And then, sleep after learning is essential to help save and cement that new information into the architecture of the brain, meaning that you’re less likely to forget it.'”
It's safe to say, then, that sleep is crucial for students to be able to learn optimally. Here are some oily suggestions that may help kids (and adults) have a more restful night's sleep.

They can also be applied to the feet, bottoms of the big toes, on shoulders, chest and / or neck, and even on the crown of the head or center of the forehead. You may have heard me say that I like to apply Cedarwood to the bottoms of my big toes and rub a drop or two of Lavender between my palms, then over my pillowcase, as my preferred bedtime protocol. Lots of people love to apply RutaVaLa to their feet before bed.
Try adding 10-15 drops of your preferred oil(s) to 1/2 - 1 cup of Epsom salts for a relaxing bath before bed. Sweet dreams indeed!
Sometimes, sleep can be disrupted because of normal stressors or occasional anxiety. That was certainly true with our daughter, who throughout the years has had to implement learning strategies related to dyslexia. I've held her in my arms before bedtime as she's gasped for air through tears streaming down her face, thinking about a test that would greet her the next day. She's found tremendous comfort and peace using Tranquil roll-on (applying it as she would perfume) and always carried it in her backpack. Its combination of Lavender, Cedarwood, and Roman Chamomile (another seasonally available, bedtime favorite) are great for supporting emotional balance.

Oils like Stress Away, Peace & Calming, and Lavender can also be helpful in supporting healthy emotions and bringing a sense of calm and relaxation. If you find that your child is restless at night, try using any of these at bedtime.
The NIH article also offered this advice.
Research suggests these tips may aid students and other learners:
- Get a good night’s sleep before learning. Lack of sleep can cut learning ability by up to 40%.
- Get a full night of sleep within 24 hours after learning to strengthen new memories and build connections between different pieces of information.
- Get enough sleep each night—7 to 8 hours for most adults. Memories won’t be strengthened with 4 hours or less of nighttime sleep.
- Naps might help or hinder. A 90-minute nap can strengthen memories, but naps late in the day may make it harder to get to sleep at night.
Sleep On It, News In Health, April 2013 (Part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
Here's to a GOOD night's rest!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

It’s time to stock up on all your favorite products and get them shipped for free! Yep, you heard that right, FREE SHIPPING FOR EVERYONE!!!
Starting today Monday, August 13, through Friday, August 17, you’ll get free shipping* on Quick Orders over 50 PV!

Here are the details:
- Free standard mail shipping on orders of 50 PV or more
- Available to all U.S. wholesale members and retail customers, excluding NFR
- Applies to Quick Orders only
If your account has gone inactive, this is the perfect time to reactivate your account and get your order shipped for free! Please let us know if you need your member number. We'd be happy to help you reactivate your wholesale membership!
*Some exclusions apply. See a list of EXCLUDED products in the list below.

Q: Would this apply to quick orders of those reactivating?
A: As long as the re-activating order is a minimum of 50 PV and does not include any of the excluded items, free shipping will apply.
A: As long as the re-activating order is a minimum of 50 PV and does not include any of the excluded items, free shipping will apply.
Q: What about Thieves Laundry Soap? It's a fairly heavy item, but is not on the Excluded list.
A: Good news! Thieves Laundry Soap is eligible for free shipping!
A: Good news! Thieves Laundry Soap is eligible for free shipping!
Q: If a customer adds an excluded item not included, how does the shipping work? And, do they get a notification something like NR isn't included for free shipping if they choose it?
A: If the order includes items on the excluded list, shipping fees will be applied on the entire order. If an excluded item is included in the order, a notification will not display, shipping charges will be applied. There will be a link to the excluded items list in the communications.
A: If the order includes items on the excluded list, shipping fees will be applied on the entire order. If an excluded item is included in the order, a notification will not display, shipping charges will be applied. There will be a link to the excluded items list in the communications.
Q: Would a member be able to REDEEM a rewards points order and ADD 50PV in product and have that qualify for free shipping?
A: Yes
A: Yes
Q: Are there any limits to the number of times someone can get the free shipping if they do multiple QOs?
A: Multiple Quick Orders can be placed and qualify for free shipping.
A: Multiple Quick Orders can be placed and qualify for free shipping.
****NOTE: If the order contains ANY products on the Excluded Products list, shipping WILL be charged for the ENTIRE ORDER.****
So, what are some combos you could do to reach 50 PV or more and get free shipping? Here are some ideas. Let's start with oils. This is such a great time to replenish your stash!

Here's a combo just for babies - either your own or your grandkids or a baby shower gift!

This duo isn't just for teens! (I will say, though, that our 15 year old boy is LOVING his YL Acne Treatment cream!) Check out the difference the Orange Blossom Face Wash and Acne Treatment Cream made for the woman below!

Since we're chatting skin, check out these fun Savvy Minerals combos! Have you switched to Savvy yet? I LOVE it! It lasts for a super long time, too, both when you're wearing it and what you use from each container.

Have you been wanting to move away from your chemical cleaning products? Here are some awesome Thieves combos!

Since we're talking Thieves...I ALWAYS have a Thieves spray and a purifier in my purse (for use after gas station stops, grocery carts, traveling, etc.) and I even have clip on case attached to my purse for my YL lip balm. Fall and winter are'll want ALL the Thieves!!!!

Here are some great supplement options that would qualify for free shipping!

And....two last ideas that you may have had on your wish list!

What will YOU get shipped for free this week? If you need help, please let us know!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

What do kids (or adults) need to make the most of each day? A good diet, restful sleep, exercise and a healthy immune system is a great start. These are the topics that we’re going to start digging into, beginning with diet.
You may have heard me say that the tissue that makes up your brain is the same tissue that makes up your gut. More and more research are finding strong connections between gut and brain function, as well as your gut and your emotions.
A healthy gut is key to a healthy brain, so how do we support healthy guts, especially for our kiddos?

The favorite oily digestive system support combo for the older kids and adults in our house is DiGize, Lemon, & Peppermint Vitality oils. We take 4 drops of each in a capsule that’s topped off with a carrier oil. If you’re just starting out with your oils or if your kiddo is old enough to take a capsule, please begin with 1-2 drops of each. Older kids and adults can instead apply DiGize or Peppermint topically to their abdomens or our younger oilers can apply KidScents TummyGize, which has been specially formulated for them.
We also want to get the most out of the nutrients our foods contain, which is where enzymes come into play. If you haven't already, you can learn about the important enzyme supporting properties of Essentialzymes & Essentialzyme-4 on our blog. Those are perfect for older kids and adults. Younger kids have their very own KidScents MightyZyme Chewable Tablets and they love them! Check out the graphic below to learn how this supplement helps support our kiddos' healthy digestion, enabling them to derive the greatest amount of nutrition from the foods they eat!

This year, YL released KidScents MightyPro, which is a “pixy stick” tasting, synergistic prebiotic and probiotic formulated just for kids. (All the kids are raving about it and asking how many they can have in a day!) It supports gastrointestinal and immune health (2-in-1 bonus!) and maintains gut health in kids, which means fewer missed days of school. YEA!!!

Adults (including college students), would take Life 9 (check out our blog post for more information on this awesome supplement).

Our bodies are fueled by the foods we eat, so eating as many “whole” foods as possible, along with limiting processed foods and sugar, is important. But…that can be harder to do when you’re packing lunches and are constantly on the go with sports and other after school activities, not to mention just trying to get them out of the house with their most important meal filling their bellies. YL has us covered! Did you know that YL has some fantastic food products???
Kids can start their day with Einkorn Flakes Cereal ,Einkorn Granola served with yogurt or berries, or if you’re really ambitious, you can make Einkorn Pancakes & Waffles! (Freeze some ahead and reheat them to make it easier during those early mornings when no one seems to be functioning...)

Not in the mood for any of those? Change it up with your favorite smoothie and add in Pure Protein Complete in either Chocolate or Vanilla Chai flavor. SOOO good and a total favorite in our house! Oh! And send them off with a Ningxia Packet to go or tuck it into their lunch box, especially if they’re needing additional immune system support.

Need a healthy snack to tuck into their lunch bag or to grab on the go? Chocolate Covered Wolfberry Crisp Bars are absolutely AMAZING! They taste REALLY good!!! (And they're a healthier alternative!)

Want to learn more about the benefits of Einkorn? Check out this 2-minute video. It’s super cool!
Here’s one last idea that you can make ahead, freeze and grab as a yummy snack during or after school. This is SO delicious that we promise you’re going to have to double the recipe!

Here's to a nutritious, new school year!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

The day has FINALLY arrived! We are now able to sign up our spouses with their own Young Living account!
ENROLL your spouse with a STARTER KIT of their choice:
- Maybe you've been longing for a Rainstone or Aria diffuser in your house. Choose an Oil Premium Starter Kit (PSK) with either of those diffuser options (or a Dew Drop or Desert Mist)!
- Maybe y'all have been wanting to get your family going on Ningxia. Choose a NingXia Red PSK!
- Working towards going more toxin-free in your home? A Thieves PSK is perfect!
- Maybe you've had your eye on YL's incredible Savvy Minerals makeup. Now's your chance to get started with a Savvy Minerals Premium Starter Kit .
You can SAVE a ton of money on starter kits - over 50% off retail!! Earn on money on your spouse's enrollment by enrolling them yourself. When you enroll your spouse and place a 50 PV order in the same month, you'll earn $50 on their starter kit purchase.
WHAT??!!! YEP!!! So right there you're getting an even better value!
There are lots of others ways that enrolling your spouse can help your family earn additional income. If you'd like more details, please reach out. We'd be happy to share more with you!
What are you waiting for? Go sign up your spouse!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same