Elderberry Wellness Juice

Elderberry Wellness Juice
This post comes from a friend of mine, Michelle Meier, shared with her permission. 

With school starting for the very first time for my little one I want to make sure that we are supporting her immune system and all of ours too.  Among many things like supporting our gut health by taking probiotics  (we like MightyPro and Life 9) and using various  essential oils we also like to take Elderberry juice to help support our immune systems.  

Elderberries are high in antioxidants and flavonoids  and have a long history in supporting the upper respiratory and immune systems. The berries need to be cooked to be eaten, so making them into a wellness juice / syrup is a great way to make them part of your everyday wellness routine. The process is very easy and only takes about 30 minutes. 

First you start off by adding 1/2 cup of dried elderberries (I got mine here) to 3 cups of distilled water in a pot and bring them to a boil. Once boiling turn the temperature down and simmer for 30 minutes. While they are simmering take 1 cup of raw, local honey and add essential oils. It is important to only use high quality, food grade essential oils, which is why Young Living's Vitality Line is the perfect choice. These essential oils are for dietary purposes.

4 drops Thieves Vitality
1 drop Ginger Vitality
1 drop Cinnamon Bark Vitality
8 drops Orange Vitality 

Set oil infused honey aside. Once elderberries have simmered for 30 minutes strain into a glass or stainless steel bowl. Squeeze the rest of the juice out of the elderberries and let cool. It is important to let the juice cool below 95 degrees F before adding the oils infused honey. Raw honey looses important enzymes and therapeutic benefits if heated over 95 degrees. Once cooled stir in the oil infused honey until well combined. Pour into a quart size mason jar and store in the refrigerator.

We like to take this in the fall and winter months as part of our daily regimen to support our immune systems. For adults take 1 tbsp a day and kids 1-2 tsp a day.

For more information on how to support your immune system this fall check out our related blog posts:

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Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

What's New this September? Promos and YL Go!!!!

What's New this September? Promos and YL Go!!!!
Hello Fall!! 

September promos are OFF THE HOOK - a family wellness kit for FREE!!  (Why do you need a wellness kit? It seems to me that we just talked about this!) Truly, there is something in these promos for everyone! (Scroll down to learn more about each!)

Now, with YL GO (Young Living’s version of Amazon Prime’s shipping subscription, but better!!!), there's seriously no reason to not hop onto Essential Rewards today! Check this out!

What’s YL GO?! FREE SHIPPING!!!!! 
  • Available to members on Essential Rewards
  • YL GO: 13 orders per year free shipping! 2-4 day shipping on 13 orders per year!! Cost: $59 
  • YL GO+: 36 orders per year with free shipping! 2-4 day shipping on 36 orders per year!! Cost: $129 
  • AND you can upgrade any YL GO order to overnight shipping for just $10!!!
  • You can get yearly savings of $122.64 (YL Go+) or more! 

You can check out all of the FAQ's on our blog, plus check out all the details (and a short video) on Young Living!

Here's a little bit about ways to use this month's awesome promos:

  • Clove Vitality 5ml (ER exclusive): Clove oil is the most concentrated antioxidant known with an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value of over 1,000,000. By comparison the ORAC score for blueberries is only 2,400, so we’re talking  awesome immune system support! It's also wonderful to dilute and rub on the gums for oral health. Any bakers? Just go google Clove Oil and fall recipes and you will come up with lots of fun ways to use Clove Vitality. Aromatically, Clove encourages sleep, stimulates dreams, and creates a sense of protection and courage.
  • Digize 15 ml (ER exclusive): As the name states, this oil is fantastic for supporting healthy digestion. If your digestion system is in need of support, apply a drop or two to your abdomen and gently massage in. This oil also comes in Vitality.  DiGize Vitality can be directly dropped under their tongue or taken in a capsule. We like to take 2-4 drops in a capsule with Lemon and Peppermint Vitality oils. Did you know many of Young Living's farms actually use DiGize on the soil to encourage good bacterial balance in our farms' dirt!? Cool, right?!
  • Inner Defense: Think of this supplement as a first responder. When someone needs some immune support and whenever we travel, we take Inner Defense. This supplement contains Oregano, Clove, Thyme, Lemon, Lemongrass, Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary and Cinnamon. It’s like Thieves, but with Oregano and Lemongrass added in. I also suggest taking it with food because there are lots of hot oils in this blend. Additionally, it's a good idea to take Life 9 probiotic to keep your gut flora in balance and healthy.
  • Thieves Hand Soap: Plant based, gentle and power packed with Thieves, lemon and orange essential oils, Thieves Foaming Hand Soap contains no sulfates, dyes, synthetic fragrances or harsh chemicals. If you haven’t started replacing everyday household items in your home yet, now is the time to do it for free! Young Living is so much more than oils and supplements. So much of our ER order includes life style products! Once you fall in love with your first bottle, you can order the hand soap refill and keep using it!
  • Manuka 5 ml: Gorgeous skin is never out of season! I love this oil for my skin. It has very similar properties to tea tree oil, but the aroma is completely different - woodsy and thicker to the touch.  It’s also wonderful for a healthy scalp - add several drops to your shampoo!
  • ImmuPower 15 ml: Do you know what this oil does?!! The name pretty much gives it away, but let’s break it down. This blends includes Hyssop, Mountain Savory, Cistus, Camphor, Frankincense, Oregano, Clove, Cumin, and Dorado Azul. That’s about half the oils in the Oils of Ancient Scripture Collection, plus some power houses like Dorado Azul, Oregano and Cumin Seed oil! Use this daily, particularly through the fall and winter months. Your cells and DNA will thank you! It's hugely beneficial to overall health and wellness! You can add it to your wellness roller blend or just apply this to the bottoms of your feet or big toes daily.
All of these promos added up at your wholesale member price is $181.75 AND if you’re at the 20 % earning level on ER you get $60 in YL cash (ER points) back or $75 in YL cash for those at the 25% earning level!!! 

In case you haven't seen this before, here's a quick breakdown of the cost savings between ER and Quick Orders:

You're never locked into Essential Rewards with a contract or penalized in any way if you cancel, plus now you can get FREE SHIPPING, so there's no reason not to jump in! Got questions? Please ask us!

Not a member yet? You can get started here. We would love to help you make the most out of each bottle of oily goodness and support you in reaching your individual goals. Trust us - you don't have to be "crunchy" to jump into the oily world!

Here's to a happy, healthy fall and all of the wonderful things it brings!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Free YL Shipping? YES, PLEASE!

Free YL Shipping? YES, PLEASE!
Introducing YL Go & YL Go+!!!!

We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce that YL has launched two new shipping credit subscriptions exclusively for Essential Rewards (ER) members: YL Go and YL Go+!

These subscriptions could save you over $122.64—or more than 10 times the amount you're currently paying each year!*

Here’s how it works:
1. Become an Essential Rewards member if you aren't already.

2. Choose your YL Go subscription:
  • YL Go: With our introductory offer, you’ll get 12 ER shipping credits, plus 1 bonus credit, for 13 months of hassle-free shipping for the introductory price of $59. Your subscription gives you 12 ER shipping credits each year after.
  • YL Go+: For those who want a little more flexibility, YL Go+ covers shipping on 12 ER orders, plus 24 flexible credits for Quick Orders in the first year for only $129. YL Go+ comes with an extra benefit: If you decide not to use a shipping credit or you run out of credits for the year, you still get discounted standard shipping! *This option gives you the greatest yearly savings.
3. Place your order and relax! YL Go and YL Go+ both give you prioritized order processing, so you can get your order ASAP with no surprises on your shipping costs!

***This is introductory pricing! Don't miss out!

Want more details? You can get them here on YL's website.

Click here for a side by side comparison of the two options.

Q. Do shipment credits roll over from month to month?
A. Yes, shipment credits roll over from month to month, so you can use them whenever you’d like during the 12-month subscription period. They will expire at the end of 12 months, so don’t hesitate to use them!

Q. How many shipment credits come with the YL Go subscription?
A. The introductory offer gives you 12 ER shipping credits, plus 1 bonus credit, for 13 months of hassle-free shipping. Your subscription gives you 12 shipment credits for each year after.

Q. How many shipment credits come with the YL Go+ subscription?
A. YL Go+ comes with 12 Essential Rewards shipping credits, plus 24 more that can be applied to Quick Orders.

Q. Can I upgrade from YL Go to YL Go+?
A. Yes! You can upgrade from YL Go to YL Go+ at any time. Any unused shipping credits will be calculated and deducted from the price of the YL Go+ subscription. The remaining price will be charged to the card on file.

Q. What happens if I use all my shipping credits?
A. If you’re subscribed to YL Go, you can upgrade to YL Go+. If you’re already subscribed to YL Go+ and have used all your 36 credits, you can still take advantage of discounted standard shipping!

Q. Can all YL Go+ credits be used on either ER or Quick Orders?
A. Twelve of the credits included in YL Go+ must be used on ER orders; the remaining 24 can be used on Quick Orders.

Q. Does YL Go come with overnight shipping benefits?
A. Yes! With both subscriptions, you can take advantage of $10 flat-rate overnight shipping.

Q. Can I cancel my subscription?
A. You can cancel within 20 days of subscribing for a full refund. If you cancel outside the 20-day grace period, your subscription will be good through the end of the 12-month cycle but will not auto-renew at that time.

Q. Will YL Go and YL Go+ be available to APO/DPO/FPO households?
A. Yes, our military households are eligible to sign up for YL Go and YL Go+. Please keep in mind that shipping timelines will be longer and product restrictions may apply due to items that are considered dangerous goods or extremely dangerous goods.

Q. Will YL Go and YL Go+ be available to households in Alaska and Hawaii?
A. Yes, households in Alaska and Hawaii are eligible to sign up for YL Go and YL Go+. Please keep in mind that shipping timelines may be longer and product restrictions may apply due to items that are considered dangerous goods or extremely dangerous goods.

Q. When will YL Go and YL Go+ be available?
A. Essential Rewards members can begin subscribing starting on August 30. Share this exciting news with your members now!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Back to School: College Students & Athletes

Back to School: College Students & Athletes
Two segments of our student population deserve a back to School post all their own - college students and athletes, because of the specific needs that they each have. Check out this 11 minute video to learn more, then scroll down for some additional information that you don't want to miss!

Last year, our son, Nehemiah, shared ways he, as a football player, uses Young Living products. You can find that 3 minute video, along with some additional suggestions and a great recipe for freshening gear, cleats, and athletic bags on this earlier blog post

Did you know that Young Living has several Brand Ambassadors including 3 powerful athletes? Olympic Gold Medalist, Bryan Clay, Two-time Guinness World Record Holder, Ironman, Triathlete, James Lawrence, and former NFL player, Stevie Baggs, Jr., each love YL oils and products. Find out more about their favorites and learn more about their stories here.
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

Staying Healthy This School Year

Here are a few tips for staying healthy this school year. Having a fractured wrist necessitated a vlog for this post!

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Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same

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