February 2025: Implement & Obtain Permits

On the last day of January, I felt led to reflect on that month differently and more intentionally than ever before. What did it look like practically? I wrote a brief summary of what God did in January. I noted a dream about 2025 I’d had mid-December, writing it down as a prophetic anchor for the year. Then, I listed major prayers God had answered during the month and bulleted significant events that had taken place. I ended with things I could improve as I moved into the next month.
I then asked the Lord about February. My planner is set up with spaces to write down a verse and a prayer for the month, things I’m grateful for and things I’m praying for, goals for the month in the areas of faith, family, fitness, and finances, and three habits to focus on, as well as a circle to check off each day I’ve accomplished those habits. It was amazing to build on what God had revealed last month as I filled in the page for February with the structure of the consistent things He’s led me to participate in – like a prayer group and study groups covering several focuses.
God has continued to highlight to me the number of times He was specific in giving directions to people throughout the Old and New Testaments. That never stopped. While He didn’t always give precise details and at times asked individuals to walk in faith without knowing specifics, we should have an expectation of leading and guidance from Him even if the instruction is as simple as “go”)! Ask and you will receive (Matt. 7:7)!
When I asked God what His word focus was for February, I immediately heard, “Implement - it’s time to take action on the blueprints revealed so far.”
As I chatted with Brian about what we were each hearing from God for February, Brian said he’d also heard “implement,” (I loved that confirmation!) and then had immediately heard “building permits.”
That made total sense to me!
In construction, permits are required for building and renovations. They help ensure safety, make sure the construction is compliant with set codes, provide legal protection from fines, and prevent issues that could arise when selling the property if permits hadn’t been obtained.
As we begin to implement the blueprints God has shown us, we may need to obtain “permits.” What do I mean by that? Sometimes, there are things present in our lives that we need to address – things that could cause the building we’re starting to be shut down or delayed. This can look like the need to ask or offer forgiveness, pay a debt, examine (and change) our motives, or repent of things Holy Spirit reveals to us.
Just like in the natural, there may be a price to pay. For instance, forgiving someone or changing our motives can be hard. These things can come at a personal cost to us.
Repentance is a beautiful gift from the Lord, not a burden, and it’s never intended to cause us to feel shame. I love to pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). Our flesh can make it feel like we’re paying a price to repent, but the truth is the price has already been paid in full by Jesus. We’re simply grabbing hold of the redemption already ours as we ask for forgiveness.
Repentance brings freedom and joy and clears the path for us to move forward unburdened knowing God’s deep love for us. God is inviting us to take care of anything Holy Spirit shows us. When we do, “permits” are granted in the Spirit, paving the way to build according to His plans.
Now, it’s your turn to get practical and determine what this looks like for you in February. What structure has God shown you to implement? Need to get any “permits” first? Make that the top priority, then go from there and take action with the path cleared before you. Move forward with what you know, and trust He’ll show you the next steps from there.
I’d love to hear what the Lord is speaking to you! Send me a message about it! Need help hearing God’s voice? Grab some time on my calendar and let’s chat! I love helping people hear the voice of God for themselves!
Living for Him
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