I Have Awakened, & the Fog Has Cleared!
I’m having an epiphany morning. I have to chuckle over the ways God speaks. This morning, it was through “X” and the number of threads I “happened upon” coaching entrepreneurs about the need for specific goals, plans, etc., and how the brain responds when good routines, goals, and tracking personal data are in place.
This isn’t a new concept to me. I’m naturally a driven, type A, task-oriented person, with very specific goals and data I track, but through my reading this morning, I realized how “lost” I’ve felt for over a year and how during that time, my goals, direction, and plans have become incredibly ambiguous.
I told Brian it’s as if I’ve been throwing a handful of darts at the target hoping something would hit the mark, but I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THE TARGET WAS or where it was located. I’ve been throwing in a general direction, then trying another if that didn’t seem to work.
As I partner with God in structure being built this year, I’ve been reminded today this is where the blueprints begin to be revealed. I keep shaking my head because I KNOW the importance of specific goals and plans, but somehow over this last period of time, my vision became unclear, uncertain, and unknown, and I felt like I was lost in the woods without a compass or GPS.
How could I have specific goals if I wasn’t sure where God was leading me and what He was calling me to do in partnership with Him?
Can you relate?
I’ve had all these ideas, and even plans I believe were God-birthed, but I haven’t been effective in implementing them because I didn’t have a clear, concise plan of action – the blueprints needed for building it out. I had an idea of the general direction in which to go but got caught up in the weeds of uncertainty, confusion, and listening to the voices of others, rather than His voice.
This is why some of the things I’ve been trying to do have faltered, fizzled out, or just not taken off.
Knowing this, I can now sit with God and get to work capturing the detailed plans He’s been speaking, and I’ve been missing.
I feel like I’ve awakened this morning – the fog has cleared, and I actually know what to do.
If you’re reading this and my journey is resonating with you, know that I’m praying for you as you awaken!
Living for Him
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same