These promos are definitely ones to give thanks for and they're as exciting as the upcoming holiday season! Young Living didn't disappoint!
Let's go ahead and skip right to the 400 PV promo, shall we? Yep! You're seeing that right! Higher Unity is an exclusive blend valued at over $170 retail and only available as part of these November promos! Higher Unity is made with Sacred Sandalwood, Lime, Sacred Frankincense, Spearmint, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Lemon, Jasmine, and Rose. Ummmm....those are some AMAZING oils in that blend! Sacred Sandalwood, Sacred Frankincense, Jasmine, AND Rose?! YES, PLEASE!!! What I've been told is that it has a floral, sweet, and uplifting aroma, with Sacred Sandalwood and Northern Lights Black Spruce adding in some of those woodsy tones to balance it all out. I CANNOT WAIT to put this oil in the diffuser!!!
How am I going to get it? With the holidays in full swing, I'm going to offer for friends and family to add some items to my ER order so they can cross a few things off their holiday shopping list and I can enjoy the Higher Unity, along with the rest of the incredible promos and the 100 ER points I'll earn because I get 25% points on every order I place! Boo-yah!!!
Let's talk about the rest of these amazing promos!
Nutmeg Vitality will add the perfect spice to your Thanksgiving gatherings. Everything from pumpkin pies to spiced nuts and chai tea. It also supports the immune, circulatory, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems. It's a pretty amazing oil!
A 15 ml bottle of Christmas Spirit??? If somehow you haven't tried this oil yet, you REALLY need it in your life. It's the perfect fall and winter aroma that will make you happy throughout your day, tapping into the joy and comfort of the season! Northern Lights Black Spruce is grounding, courage inducing, balancing, and revitalizing. You'll want to diffuse both of these oils around the clock during the next couple of months to spread the cheer to all who come near. Either would also be GREAT to use in the glass diffuser ornament!
Myrrh and Sacred Frankincense are reminders of two of the precious gifts that were brought to baby Jesus. The properties of these two oils are well worth a google search! You'll fall in love with adding these oils to your skin care routines and wait until you discover how incredible they are for calming and helping you feel secure and confident during this busy season!
Here is the full breakdown of the US November PV promos:

100 PV
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
190 PV
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
250 PV
Myrrh 5-ml
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
Myrrh 5-ml
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
300 PV
Sacred Frankincense 5-ml
Glass Diffuser Ornament
Myrrh 5-ml
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
Sacred Frankincense 5-ml
Glass Diffuser Ornament
Myrrh 5-ml
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
400 PV
Higher Unity 5-ml (exclusive November promo, unavailable for purchase)
Sacred Frankincense 5-ml
Glass Diffuser Ornament
Myrrh 5-ml
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
Higher Unity 5-ml (exclusive November promo, unavailable for purchase)
Sacred Frankincense 5-ml
Glass Diffuser Ornament
Myrrh 5-ml
Christmas Spirit 15-ml
Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml*
Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml*
*Remember, in order to get the Essential Rewards Exclusive Nutmeg Vitality 5-ml and the Essential Rewards Exclusive Northern Lights Black Spruce 5-ml, you have to be enrolled in Essential Rewards (ER) and have an order that meets the PV requirements for those items.
Keep in mind that Higher Unity is not available for purchase - it's an exclusive part of this month's promos.
The extra bonus of meeting these PV amounts with your ER order is that you get even more ER points to spend later!
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