September 2024: Preparing for Lift Off!
Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve sensed a weightiness on this last quarter of the year. That sounds very normal with an upcoming presidential election and it being the biggest quarter of the year for many businesses; however, this has been a bit different in its focus.

I shared this picture with a friend, then felt it was actually a corporate word. I saw a rocket on a launch pad. The engines had been ignited and energy was being gathered for lift off. I could hear the rumbling and feel the ground shaking. Everything had been prepared for this moment, yet there were still minutes ticking by as the rocket’s propulsion system began to burn fuel and momentum built to create the thrust needed to launch. 

These minutes represent the days of the last quarter of the year as we prepare for lift off in 2025.

I sense the importance of “getting our ducks in a row” during these last months of the year with the start of September being a time to quickly identify goals, direction, and steps to take - both this month and over the next three months after that. Many of us have had a sense of what’s next, but we haven’t acted on our inner knowing due to any number of reasons, including fear and uncertainty. It’s time to stop procrastinating and wasting time. It’s crucial we become laser focused on what we know God has been speaking to us, determine the action plan, write it down, and implement it. God is waiting on us - it’s not the other way around!

Proverbs 29:18a says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (KJV) The Passion Translation of the same verse reads, “When there is no clear prophetic vision, people quickly wander astray. But when you follow the revelation of the Word, heaven’s bliss fills your soul.”

The restlessness we’re feeling within is due to our vision having become blurred or even obscured because we’re afraid of failure. We’re unsure if we’re hearing from God. We’re fighting taking risks or we’re wavering in our belief and faith in ourselves and God. 

Happiness and joy will be restored to our souls as we clear our vision by defining and walking in what the Lord has spoken to us.

Personally, God has been speaking to me about very practical things to implement or re-implement in my life. I’ve begun time blocking because I recognized I wasn’t investing my time as well as I could be. I was spending time instead. If I were stewarding time better and investing it well, I would be seeing a greater return on my investment. It’s also meant taking a serious look at how I’m spending my time and letting go of some things I’ve held dear to my heart that fill time now needing to be invested elsewhere. 

Our high callings come at a cost. Are we willing to die to ourselves and what we want for the sake of our best “yes” in this season trusting God has far better in store for us?

I also knew I needed to return to setting goals in every area of my life, both monthly and quarterly. Once those goals were set, I knew I could reverse engineer those goals into my daily tasks and time block for them. I’m no longer letting each day roll by with a loose plan, but I’m being extremely intentional with each day, have begun stewarding my time better, and am determined to live each day to the fullest with goals, purpose, and intent in my heart.

These are the keys God has revealed to me that were necessary for the gathering of thrust for my lift off in 2025. What is it for you? What do you need to put into place for your engine to be ignited, your propulsion system to begin to burn fuel, and for you to build the momentum you need to launch you into what’s ahead? 

Want to go to the new heights in Him? Ask God what your keys are for turning on the ignition, then implement them to fuel your rocket’s engines. Write down what He’s shown you and let that prophetic vision be the map that guides you to where you’re going. Don’t be surprised when you feel the ground beneath you begin to shake. It’s just the engines coming to life and gathering the energy needed for lift off!

Living for Him,

P.S. Need help with a quick strategy session? Reach out to schedule a chat!

Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same


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