How many companies open their farms to the public and make a point of inviting their members to visit, participate in harvesting, and more? Young Living does, and I’ve now visited two of our farms, planted lavender in our fields, harvested it and witnessed the distillation processes of our oils.
The transparency of our company, along with our dedication to incredibly high standards is what has given me the confidence to use all of YL’s products for our family, along with sharing them with everyone I meet, partnering with YL’s mission to bring oils to every home in the world.
Young Living has a seed to seal guarantee and promise. They abide by very strict guidelines to fulfill their promise to send pure products to your home, whether that’s essential oils, supplements, personal and skincare, makeup, cleaning products and more.
- Their farms and partner farms abide by strict standards.
- They select the strongest seeds from strong thriving plants.
- They hand-weed and use their own oils on plants for pest control to avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
- They harvest at peak times to ensure quality oils.
- They distill on site without chemicals.
- They test every batch. If it doesn’t meet their standards because of weather conditions or for any other reason, they do not bottle it up.
All of these factors make a huge difference in quality and effectiveness.
Take a few minutes to watch this video narrated by YL’s new President, Jared Turner, as well as Lauren Walker, Chief Supply Officer, Dr. Michael Buch, Chief Science Officer and Matthew French, Corporate Compliance Officer. You’ll be glad you took the time to watch it!
You can check out more about YL’s Seed to Seal promise and three pillars of Sourcing, Science and Standards at www.seedtoseal.com.
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same