Tuesday Tidbit: Breathin' Easy!
Ragweed is NOT my friend. Need I say more? I've found myself pulling out all my faves for seasonal support lately and thought I might not be alone, so I have some tips and reminders for you this week!

If you've been around the oily world for any amount of time, you already know the LLP trio well!
This is your friendly reminder to use it!

When you're under pressure . . .
In my opinion, there's nothing worse than experiencing pain and pressure in your sinuses! Warm compresses are great for helping to alleviate the discomfort, but this combo is my secret weapon!
Find a comfortable spot to sit down. Put a couple of drops of each oil in your palm. (Wash your hands first). Roll 2 cotton swab tips into the mixture then carefully and gently insert a tip into each nostril, staying seated and NOT walking around. You don't want to push too far into your nostril, but just where it's comfortable. Take deep breaths in as you let the swabs stay in your nose for a minute or so, then remove the cotton swabs and throw them away. I find this to be incredibly comforting! Let me know what you think if you do it!

This is a GREAT way to support your immune system, especially when you're going to be where it's people-y!
Exodus II is currently out of stock, but you can just use Egyptian Gold if you don't have Exodus II already. You should see Exodus II come back again soon!

Kids & Adults, Too!
SniffleEase is specially designed with kids in mind, but adults love it, too!
It also comes in a 5 ml option, which makes it easy to diffuse at bedtime.
Shopping Made Easy
Here's my go-to wishlist with all of my seasonal support favorites in one place. I hope it helps you go easy-breathe-y through the fall season!
Stock up on your favorites and get these wellness essentials for free,
including three of the seasonal-must haves I mentioned!!!

P.S. Want to have the biggest smile spread across your face and joy fill your heart? Watch this quick video made by a 17-year-old volunteer we have at the farm where I volunteer. I dare you not to grin!
Happy Oiling!
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same