Let go!
This is my favorite week of the year.
It’s a time for me to take extra time listening to the Lord and really focus in on hearing what He’s telling me about the year to come. I begin asking Him weeks prior to this, but this is when it becomes solidified in my spirit.
I ask Him for a one-word focus for the new year, but I also ask Him for a one-word focus for each month. I write them all down, then as the new month begins, I ask Him what He’s saying prophetically as it relates to that word. I’ve been in awe as I’ve listened to Him and watched those words be fulfilled, as well as be confirmed by other prophetic voices I greatly respect. It’s been an affirmation to my heart that I’m hearing from Him, and I treasure that.
So far, I have my 2022 word, as well as monthly words for January-May. The funny thing? I fought Him on the word for April because it was a two-word phrase instead of being a single word. I even rephrased it into a single word and was going to go with that – until God clearly let me know this was truly the “word” for that month by confirming it through others.
Here’s the thing…While it’s the word He’s given to me for April, I believe with all my heart it’s also a “now” word – one that needs to be put into effect as we move into the New Year.
Friend, there are things God doesn’t want you to take into 2022. He’s been speaking to you about them in a variety of ways. These things that you’re fighting to hold onto aren’t going to serve you well as you move into the new year. God wants to do a new thing and old wineskins are going to burst if you try to fill them with His new wine.
It’s going to take trust. I see shifts in jobs and businesses, as well as in relationships. There are things you’re holding onto believing things will change for the better with them, but the better is different than what you’ve believed it to be.
I believe some are fighting to stay where they are – in location, life situations, ministries, and more. You’re hanging on when God is asking you to let go. That may or may not mean that the things you’ve been holding onto will no longer be part of your life. That’s a conversation for you to have with Jesus and be led by Him.
In letting go and trusting Him, I see so much blessing being poured out – financial, peace, health, and a settling into destiny like never before. It’s going to take letting go to move forward.
You can’t swim in the deep end if you don’t let go of the side of the pool.
A baby can’t walk, and eventually run, without first letting go of the hands and objects he or she has been holding onto to steady them.
So what if you fall when you let go? Fall forward! Then, stand up and take another step!
You can’t run weighted down by a heavy pack on your back.
It’s crucial for you to let go in order for you to walk in the fullness of what God has for you in 2022. Take these next couple of days and do business with God. Be real with Him. Wrestle with Him over the things you’re struggling with letting go of and ask Him to meet you in those places. He won’t disappoint you, my friend. He CAN be trusted. He loves you SO much!!!!
Happy New Year, friend! Our prayer is that you enter into 2022 lighter than ever, unhindered in running forward in your destiny and calling!
Living for Him,
Andrea & Brian
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same