Do you know about the worldwide impact of the D. Gary Young Foundation? I have to admit - I've been a YL member for 4 years and while I was aware of some of the work we accomplished, it really hadn't sunk in or connected with my heart...until I listened to Greg Larson, the head of the foundation, speak at two different events I attended this summer.

I learned about the difference that we're making in places like Nepal, Africa, Ecuador, Uganda, Croatia and even places as close to home at Texas, following hurricane Harvey. I've seen the pictures of sweet, beautiful faces rescued out of the sex trade, children no longer living on the streets and with a meal in their bellies, students attending and graduating schools in places like Ecuador and Africa, and feet free of jiggers (click on the photo below to learn more about what YL is doing in partnership with Sole Hope)
and men, women and children treated and protected from malaria in Uganda.
Closer to home, YL matched the first $50,000 donated to those in need following Harvey's devastation, plus delivered nearly 20 pallets of care kits, along with 100,000 packets of water, donations received from YL employees and $4,000 in tools and cleaning supplies. Want to help? Click on the picture below to learn more.
YL members can also go on foundation trips throughout the year, helping in each of the places that the foundation works. The next trip will be to Yarsa, Nepal, in November. Members will help in construction efforts, continuing to rebuild following the earthquake devastation in that nation. Members can also sponsor a child and they can designate a particular project close to their hearts to fund. Want to know the various ways YOU can get involved? Click on the photo below!
Do you know that you can make a huge difference just by rounding up your monthly Essential Rewards order? Those few cents are compounded among our members and would result in $500,000
EVERY MONTH going directly to our YL Foundation, projects and partners if each of us rounded up. The incredible thing? Young Living does not take a single penny of those donations to cover administrative costs. 100% of every donation goes directly to the projects and partnerships. Who does that??? Oh, yah...WE do! I love that so much! Click on the picture below to learn the two simple steps it takes to round up and make a difference in the lives of those who are hurting.
This is what we've been accomplishing through the D. Gary Young Foundation, even just in part:
- 112 Homes and 2 Schools Rebuilt in a Nepali Village Destroyed by the Earthquake
- 4,000 Mosquito Nets Hung MONTHLY in Uganda, Protecting Vulnerable Children and Adults
- 100% Graduation Rate in Our School in Ecuador, with Graduates Continuing to Attend College
- 90% of Those Rescued from Sex Trafficking Who Go Through Hope for Justice's Restorative Program NEVER RETURN to the Sex Trade
- A Nursery School Was Built for 200 Preschool Children in Uganda
- 5 Days a Week a Meal is Provided to Starving Children in Ugandan Slums
- Space in Transitional Homes for Children Rescued from the Slums Was Doubled to 40
- Family Setting Support Provided for 125 Croatian Orphans in the Only Orphanage in Split, Croatia
Want to learn more about the D. Gary Young Foundation and the projects we support?
Click on the picture below to be brought directly to the website.
Our Mission: Love Others Well & Empower Them to Do the Same