These DIY succulent diffusers were so much fun to make and aren't they ADORABLE?!?!
Several of us got together yesterday to learn how to take our oily obsession to the next level, discovering other Young Living oils and products outside of the Premium Starter Kit. As we chatted, we enjoyed veggies with YLEO Vitality Oil infused dip and Rosemary Vitality infused popcorn - so good! Afterwards, we made these cute, succulent diffusers!
These are easy peasy to make! You can get individual succulents, cactus soil (super important to have the right soil), and adorable pots, then plant your own groupings, but we made it even easier. Home Depot currently has these already potted in clay pots, so we skipped the planting step and went right into decorating, taking advantage of the "hard part" already having been done for us!
We tucked bits of moss in where the dirt showed, put a lava bead on top of a toothpick that we added a cute butterfly sticker to and tucked that into our plants. We then took a variety of colors and patterns of Washi tape (located in the scrapbook section of your favorite craft store) and taped it onto the outside of our pots. Then, all we needed to do was put a drop or two of our favorite Young Living Essential Oil onto the lava bead and/or moss and it became a beautiful, natural diffuser to enjoy in more ways than one!
We'd love to see yours! If you make one, send us a picture!
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